Whatis the nutritional value of junk food?!


Whatis the nutritional value of junk food?

It should be listed on the wrapper. But all junk food should have some (althou small) amount of nutrition. Mythbusters TV show did a special on Sugared Ceral and that the box it came in has about as much nutritional substance as the ceral.

Junk food provides quick energy, but too many calories, additives, and fosters overeating.

Minimal... it ain't called junk food for nothin'!

it's low in nutritional value that's why it's called junk food.

it has none... it is and should be called " comfort food" ...

who cares anymore cause i try to eat good and the bugs git it before i doo eating good tastes like 800 times more than the federal limit allows

Go to the web site of your favorite FAST FOOD restaurant and they should have a page that lists that information...it would be labeled Nutrition

lots of empty calories!

Some junk food is not good for you.

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