Does anyone have any ideas for a 25Th birthday party ?!


Does anyone have any ideas for a 25Th birthday party ?

I was thinking about going Las Vegas but my friends can't afford to go. I can't come up with any creative ideas. My birthday is November 25th which is really close to Thanksgiving and I live in Michigan. I can't think of anything exciting to do. None of my other birthdays have been special. I really want this one to be nice. I will be a grown *** woman and I want to celebrate that. Please somebody help me. Thanks!!!!

you can have a party at home or a favorite night club or rent a hall somewhere.

make a picture collage of yourself - pics from infancy until now.

25 years = a quarter of a century, so you can decorate with big cut outs of quarters.

have everyone dress up like they did in the 80's, the decade you were born! and play 80's hits from the year you were born.

Have a great birthday - no matter what you do!!

Ok, you're gonna be 25, you're b-day's on the 25th, so....
idk where the heck i'm going with this.
do you have 25 friends :-P.
why don't you.... idk...have fun...what have you always wanted to do for a party?? i mean, come on, when are you going to turn 25 again? Have some fun.

The day before thanksgiving (Nov. 22) is the biggest party night of the year and all the limos are booked. So you probably could get a good deal on a limo for your B-day, since November is a slow month for Limos. In Michigan $50 to $85 an hour is a good price for November, evan on a Sat. Hay your 25 on the 25th. cool... ps. make it a 80's Party.

wow, how about growing up for real and stop acting like a little baby and having a party?

birthday parties are for babies and REALLY old people.

Babies because they survived another year.
Really old people because they survived another year.

Head to Chicago. Go to a taping of Oprah, skate at Millenium Park, check out theater or shows that will be in town, go shopping on the Miracle Mile. So many things to do ... check websites for more ideas. Take your three best friends with you and get a suite.

You're 25, time to do something over-the-top before you have to stop having parties. Get a tattoo, go to a freaky club you've always wanted to go to, go to a black-tie restaurant and then meet your friends later at a club still dressed-up, go to Canada just to say you left the country for your birthday. Just do something crazy and fun. Just dress warmly, Michigan in November -yikes!

Try this website..www.birthdaypartyidea... They have creative ideas.

I agree with anjelkake. Why do some adults celebrate or generally make a big deal about their birthday? Narcissism?

Well, 25th wedding anniversary is tradditionally silver, so how about going with a silver and black theme, very classy, and everyone has to wear silver and/or black with silver jewellery. If you are holding the party at home, maybe you could have a las vegas theme, but in one of those toy roulette wheels.

With Christmas approaching you should be able to get lots of silver bits to decorate with too.

Or you could go for a formal sit down dinner and dance party.


bring las vegas to them ! decorate tables to look like casino tables. serve a buffet style dinner. a barrel on tap. your favorite mixed drinks. have friends dress up like card sharks ,vegas gaurds ect. buy different color light bulbs and put up threw the house for effect. some cheep neon lamps from walmarat. wich you can give away as prizes for best dressed. use pennys or chips or run fake money with you pick for betting and buy a vidio of zigfrod and his tiger or another las vegas show that plays on your tv you can rent a large screen if you dont have one. have fun and just enjoy the way your friends dress dont forget to make your bathroom the wedding chappel decorate the door ! and over top mark all night chappel.(lol)

how about a martini party, you can look for some one that can make martinis of different flavors

green apple

they are very good, and some lounge music, pick your favorite color and use it as a theme, some finger food.

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