Why do they get so much attention?!! 95% of what the average american does for a living is so much more important then what they do. Who cares whos dating who and how skinny they are, i mean honestly its poision for the mind. When was the last time the guy that built your house or your favorite professor made the front page of people magazine?
i dont know why they get so much attention, i think about that too. ppl are just wierd, they have nothing better to do.
the reason celebrities get so much attention is because people still buy the magazines that make the money that in turns helps out more churning about the celebrities that made them money in the first place. it's a vicious circle that is fuelled by the public who have to read about other people's lives. people generally feel like there's something missing or they want to forget, so they go to movies and read about the actors who are in them.
It's looking at people who are getting to do what they want to do in life and exel in it.
or we're just sheep.
Because their lives seem more interesting than ours especially if they party and act wierd. We all know its stupid but what do you do
I agree but the reason they get so much attention is because ordinary people give it to them.
becuz teens love them, look after them..
notice that teens are with great numbers in every country,, so,, the media try to satisfy these large numbers
because they can make a diffrent with their popularity,for example like BONO from u2,NGELLINA JOLIE and many more,and also becasue they have something to show.
Because they drive fast hot cars, make lots of money and their lives seem so much more interesting than our day to day 'real world.' I don't envy celebrities because when my day ends at 3:30 I can go home, shut the world out and just be me. Yeah, I like being me.