Should I make my boyfriend chicken parmesan or stroganof for his b-day?!


Should I make my boyfriend chicken parmesan or stroganof for his b-day?

He likes them both. I can make both just want to know what sounds the best

chicken parm is a much much better choice

I think it depends on how much time you want to spend in the kitchen. If you want to get in there and get it done, then make the beef stroganoff. It's easy and you can throw it over some noodles. That with some crusty bread and wine should be fine. Then get him an out of this world birthday cake and you can be the present!!! Hope he appreciates it.

If he likes both I would make both. Then for desert........................... use your imagination.(smile)

take him out to eat

Chicken parmesan sounds great. Do you have a recipe?


If he likes them both equally, if they both require exactly the same amount of effort...

I'd go by which one he's had most recently and make the other one. lol


Start with good crusty fresh bread and dip it into shallow dishes of olive oil, garlic, and parmeson cheese.

Then do breaded chicken parmesan with angel hair pasta (garlic buttered...mmmm) and a fresh green vegetable (asparagus, beans, or broccoli).

Serve with white wine and top with a decadant dessert.

I think stroganoff. I think it will transport easier if you are making it at home and taking it to him. If you are cooking at his place the parmesan because it takes less time and you will be able to enjoy your evening better if you aren't cooking for a long time.

I like both... but chicken parmesan would be a better choice. A little easier to make and stroganoff is a heavier food better left for a winter meal. Of course if you'll be drinking wine with your meal I think a merlot and stroganoff sounds like a winner!

Chicken Parmesan

what is his favorite????? but the chicken parmesan i would think is more ummmm..."into the mood" if that makes sense!!! yeah...definitely the chicken...with some candles and wine or im hungry now...good luck with the bday dinner! im sure he will like either - but do the chicken :)

They both sound good, but for a "date" dinner, I would go with chicken parm.

first one

stroganoff,,, all the way

Chicken Parmesan sounds sexier than stroganof.

Chicken parmesan....those Italian dinners are the most romantic. Don't forget the candles and the wine. He'll be putty in your hands.

what does he like best, after you are trying to please him not us

Chicken Parmesan

Chicken Parmesan
Serves 6

1/3 CupParmesan cheese, grated
1/4 TspItalian Seasoning, crushed
6 (4 oz) Chicken Breast, boneless, skinless
1 TbspUnsalted Butter
1/2 CupWhite Onion, diced
1 Tbsp All-Purpose Flour
1/2 Cup2% Milk
1 (1 oz packet) Ranch Flavored Salad Dressing Mix
6 Slices Mozzarella Cheese
1/2 (10 oz pkg.) Spinach, frozen, thawed, drained
1 Tbsp Pimiento, chopped

Preheat the oven to 350oF

In a small mixing bowl combine cheese, ranch salad dressing mix, and Italian seasoning. Roll chicken pieces in cheese mixture to coat lightly; set remaining cheese mixture aside. Arrange the pieces in an 8x8x2-inch baking dish. In a small saucepan cook onion in hot margarine until tender.

Stir in flour; add milk all at once. Cook and stir till bubbly; stir in drained spinach and pimiento. Place a slice of cheese and spoon the spinach mixture over the chicken; sprinkle with remaining cheese mixture. Bake, uncovered, for 30-35 minutes or until tender.

make it a tofu chicken strogenof. it taste better and its healthier!! :]

chicken parm - you can do lots of fancy sides with it - the stroganof already is noodles and beef

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