Is your life a box of chocolates ? Aren't you getting fat ?!


Is your life a box of chocolates ? Aren't you getting fat ?

No life is like a box of chocolates.. now once you consume the chocolates they are no longer in the box .. that's what makes you fat. Keep the chocolates in the box. Okay you can have one!!! Just one!

No. I don't like chocolate but I love my life.

I'm not getting fat, I'm losing weight.

I wish it was, and no I'm not.

I don't like chocolate, so no. My life would have to be more like a giant container of strawberry ice cream. I am 5'6 and 100 pounds, your call on whether I'm "fat" or not. I know I am not, but hey, some celebrities might care to differ. Being 56 pounds seems to be all the rage......

yes but i need chocolate its good and it is a good sweet thin when you PMS


i think life is about balance u can eat chocolate as long as you exercise. if u dont then u get fat!

I don't eat chocolate. Now there's something to think about...

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