Can corn be recycled?!


Can corn be recycled?

Why is it when I chew corn does it come out looking whole again? Can this be recycled and used as a survival food? I think I'm on to something.

Yee Haw. You found the secret to the long lived mountain men.Did you also discover what they use for toilet paper? It's something about 3 leaves...I don't know the rest. You should research this next. We'll be waiting for your next bright discovery.


and gum too, comes out the same way it was swallowed

but peanuts would dop the best i think

Sure eat it if you want to. THe best part would be picking it out. SO FUN!

no loser you throw it away

yes it can but I usually pick it out of my piss hole after azz sex

Technically it can't. When corn is filtered through your body as waste it means you have absorbed all available nutrients from it. So no it can not be reused because it has no nutritional value.

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