Is it against the law to pick magic mushrooms (Liberty Caps) in the UK?!


Is it against the law to pick magic mushrooms (Liberty Caps) in the UK?

Last I heard, it's legal to pick them but not to "prepare" them. Has the law been changed?

I believe that it is legal to pick them in the UK but illegal to 'process' them. It is illegal to possess any mushroom that contains psilocybin. "Changes to the UK's Misuse of Drugs Act in 2005 made it an offence to be in possession of any mushroom containing psilocybin or psilocin."

its not against the law to pick or eat magic mushrooms raw! you can even buy them in some shops. if you cook them it becomes illegal.

yes it is illegal to pick them now. not sure about the preparation though, you can buy growing kits legally so its all a bit anal really...

no i don't think the law has changed .its still OK it pick them but not to prepare them.

It is not illegal, provided you are on common ground. You may get arrested later, after you have taken some, for being disorderly or out of it, cloud 9 as they used to say. Pick em and do what you want.

Last year the law changed so it is now illegal to possess magic mushrooms at all even if they have not been prepared and are fresh you could be charged with possession of a class A drug.
The only real downfall to this is that you cant buy them in shops anymore... all other drugs are illegal anyway and the chances of you getting caught are quite slim unless you piss the landowner of where you are picking them off ( some farmers object to the hordes of hippies who appear round this time every year)

whats up with you and all the questions about magic mushrooms
looking at your picture you must be getting on a bit and you still have not experienced life, well you better hurry as your clock is ticking.


In Scotland

Its legal to pick them and eat them then and there.

However if you dry them or brew them its then is classed as preparing them which is illegal.

However i have never read or heard about people getting arrested for picking them.

Being a menace while on them, Well thats a different story.


The reason there is so much questions about them is that, It is the season for them to be growing now.

The so called 'magic' (psilocybin) grow naturally all over the country. It is clearly not illegal to grow them as there is little choice - they will grow where they spore. So to make them 'illegal' to grow would be impossible. Similarly to pick them cannot be possibly legislated against.

However the law can (and does) take exception to them being 'prepared'. This means that you cannot - legally - dry them, smoke them, make them into a 'tea' or add them to any other recipe.

You can pick them as long as you do not eat them or make use of any of their 3 magic wishes that they may offer you. They can be tricky.

fck'em all and feed 'em beans!!! SHROOM all u wunt, yeah!!!

it's legal to pick them and eat them but illegal to keep them,dry them out and sell them


Why would you really want to pick them anyway ,you still get effects from them if you don't cook them , so they are just as dangerous,

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