Burger King Or MacDonalds ?!


Burger King Or MacDonalds ?

and what is your favorite meal ?

McDonald's fries
Burger King's burgers
Wendy's chili
Arby's shakes


McDonald's; snack rap.


NEither they both r horrible

y u think there r so many fat people in the country?????

McDonalds...Fish Sandwich & Fries

Neither, I like Wendy's.


Ew. None at all.

Burnt out on McD's... never cared for Burger King.... I'll stick with Taco Bell.

McDonalds fries, Burger King hamburgers

burger king

Burger king #6 on the menu


Whopper, Chips and a Drink

Big Mac of coz


Oh they are both so good. My favorites for both.

McDonalds - breakfasts, fries, chicken nuggets, quarter pounders
Burger King - whoppers, fish sandwiches

My absolute favorite is probably Arby's though.

maccas - at the moment an 'elmaco' is my fav

burger king ;a burger with a side salad with ranch,italian or catalina dressing.


Burger King would have the edge.. Tendercrisp Chicken with side salad would be my favorite meal there.

McDonalds........and a quarter pounder with cheese with an apple pie for dessert. yummy.

Burger King !!

BK baby!

that oblong chicken sandwich cut in half with the onion rings.
2 many calories though.
why they put so much mayo. i always 4 get 2 say.

can't go wrong with the big mac meal-people have been eating it for decades!

Mcdonalds....fish sandwich, fries, and a Sprite. MMMmm. i'm making myself hungrY!

Burger Kings' beef
McDonalds' fries
Wendys' malt

Burger King...they broil their meats

I like the Eggnoumous Omelet Sandwich

McDonalds -

#1 - Bic Mac - no onions
Small Fries

neither yucka duck..whataburger for me.pleaze...

MacDonald's fillet of fish and fries

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