What are good birthday themes for a sweet 16?!


What are good birthday themes for a sweet 16?

Introduction to Sweet Sixteen Events

Sweet 16 birthday party theme ideas on the link below. Read through and incorporate the best birthday party idea into your party.

Gothica Party

Masquerade Ball

Cheerleader Theme Party

Spongebob Square Pants

have u seen the mtv show sweet 16? lots of ideas there but a majority is from rich spoiled girls...my sister had a masquerade which was cool...a bday wit a ton of your friends you can nvr go wrong ...

when my daughter turned 16 she had a formal quincenera type of party. Even though quincenera's are done at fifteen. We chose to do her's at 16, It was quite nice. We settled on blue and white for the color scheme. We stuck with the dances and the shoe changing but most of it was made up as we went along. The foods we served tamales, salad, refried beans rice and a salsa bar. It was a fun night to be had by all.

How about a spa day at home? Doing hair, facials, manicures and pedicures? Stuff like that, a total girly night.

Or, if boys are invited, bring out the embarrassing baby pics, you know, just for fun. :)

i would find out what they want for the party . then you cant go wrong. they might think what you picked it too kidy.

you can do the classic ones like Hollywood or Under the Sea. One friend had her sweet 16 theme a disney princess theme. I thought that was cute.

Hawaiin or Chinese!!!

How about a red carpet evening. Everyone could come dressed to the nines and you could have a formal sit down dinner.

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