How do you make keilbasa and kraut?!


How do you make keilbasa and kraut?

For 50ppl and NOT use a slow cooker

Get a very large pot, put in the kraut, fry the kielbasa, then add it and boil it together.. actually, probably going to need a few very large pots... of course, if you have an outdoor barbque pit, that would make it a bit easier..
then you could use a couple of roasters, like you use for your Tday turkey..

Personal experience.

Get enough keilbasa and kraut for 50.

Allow 1/3 to 1/2 lb of kielbasa per person. Use large aluminum roasters for cooking. Easier to clean up that way. One can 15 oz can of kraut will serve 3-4 people. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

first you will need 20 lbs of kielbasas 4 no.10 cans of sauerkraut....if you can get it fresh about 5 oz of kraut will do for each your kielbasa in the bottom of roasting pan 1 layer then cover with kraut...then repeat the same and bake at 300 for about 1 can cut the kielbasa in 7 to 8 oz pieces this will make serving easier and easier to place in pans....if you want to add a little zest to your dish add some caraway seed to kraut.

My lady loves my keilbasa!!! She likes to cook it in her hot, wet, warm, juicy. . . oh wait. . . that's a different kind of keilbasa. . . .nevermind!

it tastes great on grill with some bbq sauce,

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