Does anyone know..................................?!


Does anyone know........................

does anyone know what a combination beetween a fruit rollup and a piece of chocolate tasted like answer this correctly and u get 10 points (hint; it's really yummy)

FRUITY CHOCOLATE.... Ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

I'm sure it would be really good. Maybe I'll try it sometime.

A Banana Split?

it's so yum.


This question reminds me when I was a little girl and take bites out of the candy from the candy box that my mom would get as a gift or Valentine's day. I am guessing that the roll up and chocolate would taste like the piece of chocolate with the jelly inside.

OOOOOOOOOO,,Cherry Cordial!!!!!! Can only get them at Christmas time!!!!

Chocolate covered strawberries.

it is very good try it!

Tastes like a chocolate covered cherry without the gooooo........Thanks for the tip its good!

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