What should I call a Blackand white polka dot party?!


What should I call a Blackand white polka dot party?

Dalmation Nation?

The Oreo Ball !!!!!!!!! HA! :) no seriously :)

Spot Hop

Black & white polka dot party

The Separate But Equal Ball!

Domino paradise!

Dalmatian Celebration

Got to Dot.

Speckle Dot Party?

well, off the top of my head I think you could call it something like---- A Black & White "Speck"tacular ------------

Kind of silly, but fun. For the invite use tiny polka dots or "specks" instead of spots, so the name will catch on.

Anyway, that is a great idea. You can do so much and its not your typical black/white party. Have fun!

I wish you had given more info about whether it was a dance or what. Here are some names and I hope it helps.....

The Spot (to be)!!!

Black and White Night

Dot Spot

Hot Spot

B&W Bash

Hope these help!!!


Retro 80's night?



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