Can anyone suggest a romantic restaurant in Cork?!


Can anyone suggest a romantic restaurant in Cork?

needs to be reasonably priced, candle lit romantic, doesnt matter what cusine!

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9 months ago
The City Of Cork

9 months ago
The City Of Cork

try the ivory tower

Do you mean in the city or county? if county what part

Fishy Fishy in Kinsale - superb food but daytime only.

Best atmosphere, Waterfront in Baltimore (simple but great)

also Old kitchen in Castletownbere - great food, brilliant service

also Celtic Ross Hotel in Roscarberry

Here is an awesome list of venues with romantic dinner. I hope you have a great time!

Your Question
Answered by FL
I had a good conversation about this Cork that was bleed in the rural Irish village, What I came to learn is cork is associated with wine and retirement, which means you obtain a granny treat of either the cooked pink salmon from the Irish see or the **** on the red pepper when the Irish girl **** it on the table display. You have to be prepared to either choose to go city or village or change the location of your size and demographic. At time they're mad about other the cuisine, might be very similar to scottish but I have no idea because they happen to like it hot since the breath the Irish Sea. I hope you will enjoy the buttered cork on bread in the morning. FL

Tey Aroma on Emmett Place above the Pine Pitch shop. It is a small chinese restaurant and the prices are very good.

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