The coffee pot at work was left on all night..?!


The coffee pot at work was left on all night..?

because that happened, the coffee dried up and burnt on the bottom of the pot.. is it still safe to use or should we just buy a new one... ???

I have worked in A LOT of restaurants, the way that every single one of them does to remove and clean the burnt coffee from the pots is as follows:

Lemon Juice
Salt (lots of it)
Water (or if available at work Soda Water)

Mix all of these together in the pot with a wooden spoon and stir. Also shake it lightly. If it is really bad you might have to let it sit for a few minutes and then stir. That will not only remove the burnt coffee, but it will also clean the pot of any stains. The pot should be about 3/4 full of all of the ingredients, so just don't skimp on anything.

Tried and True

Just scrub it out it will be ok. rinse well after you scrub

wash it

if it works use it...if it don't then the element has burnt may still make coffee but the bottom plate may have burnt out...feel it and you can tell if its hot....vinegar in the burnt pot and let soak helps clean it...been there and done it...

Yup, it's still safe to use, you'll just have to clean it really good. Soaking in hot water will help loosen the gunk at the bottom. If it's a glass carafe, and you have access to ice cubes, put some cubes and salt in the pot after soaking away the gunk, and swirl them around. Best way to get a coffee pot clean. Either way, it's still safe to drink out of a container that had burnt coffee in it.

I have a small cleaning company and the employees at a few places are repeatedly leaving the coffee pot on but never checking to see what the level of coffee is in the pot. I've had to clean burnt-on coffee many times.

You could probably just wash it really well and scrub all the burnt crap off the bottom. You could probably still use it if it doesn't all come off, as long as the burned stuff doesn't make your coffee taste weird.

OH MY GOD!! what will u do? i say leave it on all night again and see what happens. go for it, u risk takers

It's safe to use - but getting it clean might be another story - big hassle - I'd just buy another one

PS - Whoever left it on should buy it

yes use vinegar to clean it and it will be fine

If you put some water, dish soap and some pennies in it, it will take it off. I don't know pennies work, but they do.

wash it out and it should be ok

you can still use it but you need to let it sit for a while with ice cubes in it...this will help the coffee come off of the bottom...if you prefer you can use vinegar instead.

Yep, just scrub it good.

That happens a lot here where I work, too. Vinegar and ice will help, but I've had a hard time getting rid of the vinegar taste. I use regular dish detergent with a small amount of hot water. Let it soak a while, pour that out and add the ice cubes. You may have to repeat, but it will work.

safe to use, put some salt in the bottom and then fill halfway with ice and swish it around, the salt will act like a brillo pad without damaging the pot!!

if you left your coffee pot on your heir will be burnt or will have nothing left on your head now so it is no more useful

In the pot itself use hot water, salt and crushed ice to loosen all the crud from the bottom then...
Run vinegar and water through your machine as if you were making coffee. (This will aso clean your water lines of any caked up particles from your water supply)
Run the machine two more times with clean water.
(If you want you can use one more rinse with a little vanilla in the water)

use lemons ice and salt. put all together in coffee pot and let sit for about an hour. After that shake it around a bit and then wash it out. All the black stuff should come out

Scrub it out. If it didn't start a fire last night, it probably will work just fine.

ice and salt

run hot water through it and clean it out. then clean it with vinegar. it should be fine.

tell the boss that it is trashed and you need a purchase order to go buy a new one, then buy the most expensive one you can find, take it to your house and switch it with yours, take your old crappy one in to work. tell your boss that the new one got stolen from your car, so you brought yours in because you felt bad about the companys coffee maker getting stolen.

just clean it and you'll be ok.

scaper is going to get you in jail

try to fill it w/ a cup of ice , 1/2 cup of salt and 2 lemons sliced up.....swirl around and stuff and let it melt..if it doesnt work then its probably shot...gluck!

Use ice, rock salt, a squeeze of lemon juice and soda water and swirl it for a few minutes then scrub clean.

Or you can use vinegar. Pour equal parts white distilled vinegar and water into the pot and allow it sit. Then scrub and rinse clean.

The sign that you need to buy a new one is if it is cracked.

clean it out with vinegar, its safe to use again

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