Can Dr. Pepper and Aspirin get you high?!


Can Dr. Pepper and Aspirin get you high?

I've heard that Dr. Pepper and aspirin can make you high.. i dont see how this would work, but has it happened to anyone?

I always hear Coca Cola and aspirins did

So when I was a kid I drank coca cola and took aspirins...........all it did was give me a headache

I think the caffeine is supposed to do something

Myth, It will never happen.

I don't know but it sounds yucky!


No. It's a fallacy that's been around for years.

No, but it might make you throw up...

dr.pepper nah, but take aspirin and a coke beforem a soccer game and you'll have the game of your life. I only did it a few times though was afraid it might become an ddiction.

It hasn't happened to me yet and I combine the two a lot.

thats just a dumb myth

nah...would never work! but if you mix regular coke and mentos it will explode. so you you a kind of....ummm......lets just say....NATURAL HIGH!!!!

Not unless you're a Mormon.

BRB.............................. *birds chirping*........................ K IM BACK .... No, it doesn't. :)

That is a myth. You don't get "high" but the caffeine in the soft drink is said to heighten the effects of the aspirin.

not a chance

And I've heard that monkeys may someday fly out of your b----. I've also 'heard that pigs can fly. Don't believe everything you hear or go ahead and believe everything you hear, but don't come crying to us for help because you did.

That was on Myth Busters and it was busted as untrue

that is enough talking about getting high ,,,,,,,,,,,go to your room,,,,,,,,you are grounded


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