16th Birthday Party Coming Up, Need Help!?!
Okay so I am celebrating my b-day at my big house as a stay over night party (staying over night optional) with boys and girls. Now I'm not worried about that cuz my grandma said it's fine and we have it all worked out. I'm just worried about how many people are going to show up. I sent the invite today and plan on sending updates (the Party is two Months away, but I live so far from where my friends live I thought I should send invites out early). But here is the Invite I sent, tell me what you think. Also, what do I do if hardly anyone comes. I invited a good fifteen people, but I dunno who will RSVP. So here's the Invite I sent: *(NOTE! PLACES AND CONTACT INFORMATION ARE SENSORED OUT FOR MY PRIVACY AND MY FRIENDS' PRIVACY)*
To: My 16th birthday PARTY
When: April 29th-April 30th
What: So, my birthday is actually on May 6th, but since I will be gone visiting my mom over that weekend, I am celebrating it early! I would celebrate it the week after, but that's my brother's birthday. So, about the Party:
It is planned to be a huge stay over night at my place in P___ C__, __. Staying over night is optional, but reccomended because I was planning on staying up late anyways, and since I live so far from where all my friends live, it's more convenient for you.
For all my friends in W___ H___ School, I have enough room in my car for 5 extra people, so if you RSVP, we can plan on giving you a ride to my place after school on Friday, April 29th. If you are not able to get a ride from us (my older brother and I), then contact me for the street address and directions to my house in J___ R__, P__ C__, __.
There are no plans yet on transportation back home except that if you are not staying over night, you will have to be picked up. If you do plan on staying over night, contact me as the time draws nearer for more information on whether you will need to be pick up Saturday, April 30th, or if we can take you back home. Depending on who comes, we may be able to take everyone home, chances are, that's not very likely.
Yes there will be BOYS AND GIRLS allowed to stay over night, HOWEVER: the boys will be sleeping in their sleeping bags on the other side of the up-stairs of the house in the Television room while the girls will be sleeping in my room in their sleeping bags on the other side of the house. There will also be adult supervision (My grandparents will be there and my father may also be present).
We will have cake and ice cream and home-made Chicago style Pizza (I'm sure there will also be salad and maybe regular Pizza, too. Depending on how my dad feels about making Pizza hahaha).
If you are staying over night, please bring all needed items and a sleeping bag.
I AM NOT expecting a ton of gifts, so do not feel pressured to bring me anything, I just plan on having fun!
We will be playing Beatles Records (yes real records!) and probably watching movies, playing games, and eating junk! If it is warm enough maybe we will go do somethin outside, it all depends on how everyone feels!
Text or call: ***-***-****
Or email my Facebook or the following E-mail address: _________@rocketmail.com
Or just tell me at school!
Hope to hear back from you!
I sent this message early to give everyone invited an opporitunity to check their calendar and clear it if they would like to come and also just to let everyone know, because it is so far away from O__ and E__ and those areas, special plans may have to be made as to transportation."
That was the invite I sent to a good 15 people. How many do you think will come? I'm not way popular and my friends are mostly buddies, but, I mean, does the invite sound appealing at all? I just don't want to be stuck with only 2 or 3 people coming to my Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party, ya know? It'd be a bummer.
Anyway... Thanks! :D
To: My 16th birthday PARTY
When: April 29th-April 30th
What: So, my birthday is actually on May 6th, but since I will be gone visiting my mom over that weekend, I am celebrating it early! I would celebrate it the week after, but that's my brother's birthday. So, about the Party:
It is planned to be a huge stay over night at my place in P___ C__, __. Staying over night is optional, but reccomended because I was planning on staying up late anyways, and since I live so far from where all my friends live, it's more convenient for you.
For all my friends in W___ H___ School, I have enough room in my car for 5 extra people, so if you RSVP, we can plan on giving you a ride to my place after school on Friday, April 29th. If you are not able to get a ride from us (my older brother and I), then contact me for the street address and directions to my house in J___ R__, P__ C__, __.
There are no plans yet on transportation back home except that if you are not staying over night, you will have to be picked up. If you do plan on staying over night, contact me as the time draws nearer for more information on whether you will need to be pick up Saturday, April 30th, or if we can take you back home. Depending on who comes, we may be able to take everyone home, chances are, that's not very likely.
Yes there will be BOYS AND GIRLS allowed to stay over night, HOWEVER: the boys will be sleeping in their sleeping bags on the other side of the up-stairs of the house in the Television room while the girls will be sleeping in my room in their sleeping bags on the other side of the house. There will also be adult supervision (My grandparents will be there and my father may also be present).
We will have cake and ice cream and home-made Chicago style Pizza (I'm sure there will also be salad and maybe regular Pizza, too. Depending on how my dad feels about making Pizza hahaha).
If you are staying over night, please bring all needed items and a sleeping bag.
I AM NOT expecting a ton of gifts, so do not feel pressured to bring me anything, I just plan on having fun!
We will be playing Beatles Records (yes real records!) and probably watching movies, playing games, and eating junk! If it is warm enough maybe we will go do somethin outside, it all depends on how everyone feels!
Text or call: ***-***-****
Or email my Facebook or the following E-mail address: _________@rocketmail.com
Or just tell me at school!
Hope to hear back from you!
I sent this message early to give everyone invited an opporitunity to check their calendar and clear it if they would like to come and also just to let everyone know, because it is so far away from O__ and E__ and those areas, special plans may have to be made as to transportation."
That was the invite I sent to a good 15 people. How many do you think will come? I'm not way popular and my friends are mostly buddies, but, I mean, does the invite sound appealing at all? I just don't want to be stuck with only 2 or 3 people coming to my Sweet Sixteen Birthday Party, ya know? It'd be a bummer.
Anyway... Thanks! :D
I think it sounds good! Won't hurt to have all the information. Even if you only have 4 or 5 people don't worry about it and just have fun. Sometimes a small crowd is even more fun because you can all talk to each other at the same time and laugh together. Happy Birthday!
yeah that sounds good but you prolly need music as well.
i suggest this everyone will FREAK