How do I ask coworkers to bake for a fundraising event?!
any ideas? I'm planning to send an email to my whole department,
Rather than an email, I'd go to them directly. Introduce yourself and just honestly ask if they could help you help the charity. Explain why it is a good use of their time. This will accomplish several things. It would let you meet your coworkers. It would help you to be more assertive. It can help the charity. For some people who like to bake, it gives them the opportunity to do so without having to eat the empty calories themselves.
Make up a cute little flier and hand out one to everyone,explaining the fund raiser and that you would most appreciate then donating a dozen cup cakes,brownies or their favorite baked goods. Print it on colorful paper and relax you seem to be a really sweet young lady !
I would start out by introducing yourself, tell a bit about why you feel the need to do charity work, and then ask them to please give from the heart.
Hope this gives you some idea.
Wisdom of age. :)