Name of this movie, pls?!
I remember Nicholas Cage was in it. He was like journalist or something. He went into this town where people said they saw a ugly creature with bat-like wings. He started to ask these people. I remember the scene where he was like shaving or washing his face and he turned the mirror, there was a ugly face on that mirror (he didn't see it). Also the lead actress was having this dream where she had a car accident on a bridge, fell into the water and when she's drowning, the voice said to her like "It's not your time. Wake up" and she would. At the end of the movie, it did happen to her and she was saved. They assumed that ugly creature came and warned people when danger was near and it meant no harm.
Ring Any Bell? Thanks For Answering!
Ring Any Bell? Thanks For Answering!
Are you positive it was Nicholas Cage? That plot line sounds an awful lot like the Mothman Prophecies but that wasn't him, it was Richard Gere
It does ring a bell but cant think of it there is a film i seen similllar but dont think nicolas cage was in it called what lies beneath
Yes its called The wicker men
But it is 2006 version as there was a older version made in 1973
Yes he is Nicolas Cage and the movie is "The Wicker Man "