How do you get the second side of a pancake to brown like the first?!
How do you get the second side of a pancake to brown like the first?
When I make pancakes, I've discovered that the secret to a beautiful golden "crust" around the edges, with a nice golden color, is to fry the package in a liberal amount of oil, making sure the pan is at a moderate temperature. The first side turns out beautiful.
But when I flip it, the other side always winds up being ugly -- no crust around the edge, and it looks like a bunch of darker brown splotches against a white surface -- no even golden color. I've tried more oil, less oil, lowering or raising the temperature, and nothing seems to work.
Is there a way to get the 2nd side of the pancake looking as nice as the first? Or do we just accept that it will be ugly, and be glad it's always face-down on the plate... I swear I've seen cookbook photos, though, where it looked like there was that nice crust on the bottom side too...
7 hours ago
fry the "pancake" not the "package"... typo
You are cooking it too long on the first side. The second side is dried out too much so it doesn't spread out on the pan like the first side did. You might try making your batter thicker so the top doesn't dry out before you get the bottom the color you want it.