Best dog food?!
Best dog food?
Is rice mixed with chicken meat or chicken liver is good for Dogs?
a trainer i talked to said that raw meat is the best dog food plus raw finely chopped vegies, he said that he buys chicken at the plant where they prepare them (backs i guess) and that the dog retains 95% of the raw food and poops very little, commercial dog food contains lots of fillers, little protein and 75% water, so you are paying lots of money for water, just turn on the
i'm on my second dog now and feed mainly dry cheap dog food mixed with kitchen scraps, lots of leftover vegies, meat & starch matter, seams to work, my first dog 'died' with 15 and my puppy looks very healthy, nice weight (as in slim) and nice shiny coat.
i believe that the designer food is money grabbing, ie, meat chunks in the can are only pressed dog food and they make coloured kibble... dogs are colour blind...duh
so i'd go for the old saying 'less is more'