How do you buy candy when you have none at home & are trying to locate it after your mom confiscates it?!

Question: My mom got rid off my candy when i stashed it away. she found it and hid it. usually i'm sherlock holmes in dermes of candy detection. i also memorize which steps of the stairs make noise and where you should step to avoid the noise. anyway... i need help on a way to get candy when i have none at home. how do i buy some when i can't even get my mom's approval? [ just to show you how much she is unknowledgeable about candy she is when i asked for some she gave my 3 mike and ikes!! TToTT! I also neeeed tips on recovering this hidden candy. can oyu give me ideas on where to look? Thanks please put at least 3 sentences.

Answers: My mom got rid off my candy when i stashed it away. she found it and hid it. usually i'm sherlock holmes in dermes of candy detection. i also memorize which steps of the stairs make noise and where you should step to avoid the noise. anyway... i need help on a way to get candy when i have none at home. how do i buy some when i can't even get my mom's approval? [ just to show you how much she is unknowledgeable about candy she is when i asked for some she gave my 3 mike and ikes!! TToTT! I also neeeed tips on recovering this hidden candy. can oyu give me ideas on where to look? Thanks please put at least 3 sentences.

Well if you get an allowance, you have to wait for it and pay with that.. or do odd jobs for the neighbors to get some cash... For finding the candy you can try and look in places like the top shelf of the closet, in the laundry hamper, inside the washing machine, in the trunk of the car, in the kitchen cabinets and even inside a flower vase or even under her bed... Good luck in finding it...!!!

I think we need to know why your Mom doesn't want you to have candy? Is there a weight problem, hyper activity problem, are your teeth decaying? OR is it a matter of you not doing what you're supposed to? Hmmmmm?????
Face it kid, while you are living in your Mom's house you are under Mom's rules. Don't worry, your time will come.


this is probably for your own good. do you want to weigh 500 pounds? do you want all your teeth to fall out of your mouth? you should give up the candy addiction now while you have your mommy's help. instead of eating candy, ask her to read you a story or give you an apple. there are lots of ways to give up candy. take your mommy's controlling ways as a sign of a blessing. also, when you start to crave candy, ask your mommy to show you how to tie your shoes. that will make you forget all about sweets.

Information on chocolate:

Chocolate has been said to cause acne and tooth decay, and has a reputation for being a fattening, nutritionless food. On the other hand, chocolate is also known for being everything from an anti-depressant to an aphrodisiac. While there's still much we don't know about chocolate, recent research is helping us better understand how chocolate consumption affects our health.

The good news is that most of the bad effects of eating chocolate are either overstated or entirely false. Eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravates acne. Two studies -- one by the Pennsylvania School of Medicine and another by the U.S. Naval Academy -- showed that eating chocolate (or not eating it) did not produce any significant changes in the acne conditions of the study's participants. These results are further backed by research which shows that acne is not primarily linked to diet.

Chocolate also has not been proven to cause cavities or tooth decay. In fact, there are indications that the cocoa butter in the chocolate coats the teeth and may help protect them by preventing plaque from forming. The sugar in chocolate does contribute to cavities, but no more than the sugar in any other food.

Obviously, eating too much of any food may cause health problems. The cocoa butter in chocolate does contain saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels, and high cholesterol can contribute to heart disease. However, recent research at the University of California, Davis, has found that chocolate carries high levels of chemicals known as phenolics, some of which may help lower the risk of heart disease. Plants such as chocolate, coffee, tea, and others contain high levels of phenolics.

Andrew Waterhouse, the lead researcher from U.C. Davis, is a wine chemist. For several years he has been studying the possible health benefits of antioxidant phenolics found in red wine. Waterhouse told us that phenolic compounds are found in all plant products, and that the plants "probably make them as protective agents and for improving their success at reproduction." The bitter, astringent taste that these plants have is an indication of the phenolics found within.

Andrew Waterhouse discusses how phenolics may reduce the risk of heart disease.

So how might phenolics prevent heart disease? Apparently, phenolics prevent fat-like substances in the bloodstream from oxidizing and clogging the arteries. Said Waterhouse: "It's now believed that atherosclerosis, or the formation of plaque in the arteries, is caused by oxidation of LDL (low-density lipoproteins) -- that's one of the cholesterol particles. At first, this leads to subtle damage, and then eventually to the formation of advanced plaque." The buildup of plaque can lead to clogging of the arteries, a major cause of heart attacks.

Andrew Waterhouse explains why more research is needed to understand the potential health benefits of phenolics.

While phenolics have chemically been proven to reduce oxidation, Waterhouse cautioned that: "It's not known if the phenolic compounds, like the flavenoids that are present in chocolate, can reduce disease. It's well known that these substances are antioxidants in a chemical sense. . .but we don't have strong, large-scale, controlled human studies." More research still needs to be done, but certainly the initial research is encouraging.

Also i use to hide mine in my sock drawer in the clean socks of course, or the pockets of my jackets. Pssst don't tell!!!

hope this information helps. good luck.

tell her to read the back of the labels and the serving size
on tootsie rolls, york peppermint patties, and kit kat bars

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