Gimme a cool party theme for people over 18 (no R rated ones please)?!
Answers: Rocky Horror Picture Show is a great party - be sure to have the movie playing or at least the soundtrack. Or do a 60's Hippie party, or a 70's disco party, or even an 80's glam-rock party...people really get into that sort of thing.
Everyone can dress up as (and you play off the theme for food and decorations
Favorite Hollywood star
Favorite Movie
Black and White or whatever color, everyone wear that color and all food is that color.
Choose a country and do food from there like Mexico and do tacos, nachos, chips and salsa, etc... Or do Germany, Italy, China, etc.
luau, cowboy, celebrity/Hollywood, 80's or 90's, a color theme, hillbilly, pajama party, cartoon or children's characters, casino night....?
Vegas always works. Set up card tables and gamble with quarters or even singles.
Maybe roll some dice.
Mardi gras!!! Beads, masks, etc. Really cool.
Muder mystery!