If a donut has a hole in the center, and you eat the donut, will the hole still be there?!
Technically speaking, would the hole still be there? And please don't say a obvious answer like "The hole is the donut" think outside the box and answer smartly
Answers: If a donut has a hole in the center, and you eat the donut, will the hole still be there?
Technically speaking, would the hole still be there? And please don't say a obvious answer like "The hole is the donut" think outside the box and answer smartly
yes. the hole is made of up air. and air never really goes away. so when the donut is eaten, the hole is just made into another shape. combines with the area surrounding you.
No, because without the donut there is nothing to define the hole.
There is no such thing as "empty space", first of all. So, the "hole in the donut" appears empty, but actually has all sorts of stuff going on in it. However, what happens to that space when its not confined by solid mass? I suspect that it shifts in composition and dismantles to become a larger part of the whole (no pun intended).
Isuppose it would. But since I eat the hole first, no.
Yes, and the dang things are really cluttering up the place.
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