Plastic Birthday Cake? Help!!?!
Answers: At our church we had a plastic birthday cake that had holders for birthday candles. Our 2 and 3 yr olds sing happy birthday to Jesus every year during our program and blow out the candles. Someone let the candles burn down to low and we can not get them out to put new ones in! Does anyone know where I can get a new cake or how to get the candles out? I have already tried e-bay! said the cake is plastic right...?...maybe try warming it up in the microwave for a bit....if your afraid to melt it...jsut put it in for 10 sec, take it out, let it cool a bit, then put it back in...repeat process....the wax should become soft enough that you could stick a toothpick in there or a skewer and dig out it out
Try heating the leftover wax and scraping it out.
The microwave idea sounds like it will work. If not, try soaking it extremely hot water. Maybe pouring it from the kettle over the wax that needs to be melted.
get a drill and drill in some new holes for candles
well, do you want a real cake? or a plastic one? if you need a real one,go to walmart.