Is it worth the expense to buy a sterling silver flatware set? Or perhaps silver plate? Or something else?!
Answers: I have been looking on ebay at some of the old patterns as well as flatware sets. They seem quite expensive - However, I remember the parties my family (more accurately my grandmother) had, and it was always nice to have the gleam of silver at special occasions like X'mas. There is of course the fear of theft and the 'chore' of polishing which I actually like. So is it worthwhile going through the expense of buying the silver and the accessories like polishing cloths and storage bags when other alternatives exist like silverplate, brass or just plain stainless steel ? Also, will I recoup my cost in the future should I decide to sell my,as of now unbought, silver flatware?
I love my sterling silver flatware. I use it for holidays and special occassions and my table always looks wonderful. I store it in a silverchest that is made with special cloth which reduces the need for polish as long as I wash the silver imediately after use and dry it well. Hold the silver with the cloth to put it away to avoid leaving oils from your hands on it. Acid is the enemy of silver - keep it away from sitting in any acidic environment like tomato sauce.
I also have my grandmother's silverplate flatware which I adore. It was a very high quality set and I use it just like I use my sterling. However, if you buy silverplate you risk eventually polishing the silver off the base metal, especially if it is pre-used (eBay) and you don't know how it was cared for. Polish actually removes a fine layer of the silver which has oxidized (that is the black stuff). As you can imagine silver plate is at risk for losing the silver.
Buy sterling with confidence. Buy silverplate with caution if you have not seen it in person.
Based on personal experience, it depends on your social contacts and entertaining practices. When I was a young officers wife, it was the norm to have sterling and to use it when family or guests were over. Now my lifestyle as a senior citizen has changed. I have good, attractive stainless that I enjoy using. I gave my sterling to my daughter but she lives a more casual lifestyle. I am encouraging her to sell it because the price of silver is high now. If you can find a reasonable price and a pattern you would enjoy, otherwise the attractive and sturdy stainless can be very nice.
I bought some real nice sterling silver set on sale one year at Boston Store for like $50!
Only you can decide if spending the money on sterling is worth it. If a set will bring back good memories and create new ones, then maybe the money spent would actually be a small price. You can always add a rider on your homeowners policy to cover the sterling if case of theft at a reasonable cost. If you decide to sell in the future, sterling holds it's value, plated silver flatware does not. It sounds like you've done the research and if you need a nudge, I say buy now while you're young enough to get years of use and enjoyment out of your investment. If you can't afford to buy an entire set, start out with a couple of settings(special dinner for two) and add a setting a year until you get all that you want.