Im writing about a report comparing taco bell to real mexican food.?!

Question: I'm in college and this is my final paper in the class. i was wondering if any one could give me some information on the subject. like someone of mexican decent or someone who has been to mexico and eaten real mexican food. Also if you know of any links where i could dive deeper into the subject like a website or some recipes. Also if anyone is an expert and would let me interview them a little it would really help

Answers: I'm in college and this is my final paper in the class. i was wondering if any one could give me some information on the subject. like someone of mexican decent or someone who has been to mexico and eaten real mexican food. Also if you know of any links where i could dive deeper into the subject like a website or some recipes. Also if anyone is an expert and would let me interview them a little it would really help

I can only tell you that I have had real Mexican food from Mexican friends who have introduced me to it - and that is in the style of beef-tongue taco's, and a shrimp soup (that I wish I could remember the name of), and true corn-husk wrapped tamales, and things of that nature. Mexican food really varies per region, as does American food, here in the states. I did a little research though, and found you some links where this topic is discussed - maybe it will help you further...
I hope those help a bit! Good Luck!

Taco Bell is an American approximation to real Mexican food. Taco Bell uses ground beef, and ingredients that are months old.

I live in San Jose, CA. I am fortunate to have access to many taquerias. They are mom and pop operations that cook genuine food. The meats are fresh, the ingredients are fresh, and they are prepared according to old family recipes. Within a mile of where I live, I can go to Rico's Tacos or Taqueria Eduardo's and get food that is far better than Taco Bell.

I agree with the first fellow, I am a former chef and have been to Mexico and if you want to find anything about real traditional Mexican regional cooking you have to go to Mexico or an authentic Mexican restaurant, When Tom Bell started Taco Bell in the 1960's he want to spread the gospel of Tex-Mex food acrossed America, alot of the names are made up, or a play on the old mexican dish of a similar nature.

Like in European and Chineses cooking there are region differences, from the meats to the spices and even the peppers used for heat in the dishes.

If you want to do a paper go more for the way that Taco Bell has wavered the idea of Mexican food with there interpretation of it. I would also do some research by doing a Google or Yahoo search for and write it in the search line as "Traditional Mexican Food recipes" and see what is available and maybe print off a few for a comparisons.

Am Mexican once I ate Taco Bell and couldnt even finish it because I started feeling sick of the things they put inside.

First of all real Tacos are mare with soft tortilla (corn or flour) they can be made by any kind of stew, depending on the region the kind of stew you put in. Unless is a corn fried taco wich we call Flauta (as in flute) we dont put sourcream nor lettuce in our tacos.

If it is a flat fried torilla then we call it Tostada for those you put fried beans, stew lettuce and sourcream + salsa. So it is not a Taco.

We use white cheeses not monterrey jack, most of the times is "queso fresco" the kind that is rich in flavour but not full of fat and not strong flavour.

I hope it helps!

Hi. I'm a California girl, and just last week my fiance from Wales UK came over to visit me. First let me tell you I'm a white girl with blonde hair. We sat around the dining room table with my mom making home made Tamales and drinking Tequila. I can only say there is nothing at Taco Bell that can compare to authentic Mexican food. I'm not even Mexican, nor is my mother, but she has a knack for creating authentic Mexican food ( she knows all the ins and outs of real mexican food cooking and anyone who grew up in Los Angeles with lots of mexican friends and a knack for cooking can learn how to create real mexican food )

Anyways... what I suggest you do as part of this final paper is experience for yourself real mexican food. Find a Mexican family and help them prepare real mexican food, and taste it.

Having a real life experience of helping make it and taste it in the final project would give you not only a great experience but something to write about.

If you can't find any Mexicans where you live contact a local catholic church ( most Mexicans are catholic ) and tell them your predicament. Let them know you are writing this paper and want to know if you can sit in with a real Mexican family and help them cook and learn about their culture.

Then you will have your own opinion on Taco Bell vs Authentic Mexican food.

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