Why are boogers so darn tasty?!
Answers: i was just enjoying a few, love how they slide down my throat, like little oysters.
Only when they are glazed with ear wax. Only trailer court trash eat boogers plain. Try this simple recipe:
Finger in ear.
Finger in nose.
Works quite well.
One word.... EEEWWWWW!!!!!!
Yours, or someone elses......?
Because you have pica?
Go to bed, it`s way past your bedtime, Sparkie.
That is just nasty. Was there a real question you wanted to ask?
You have to admit, catching a kid eating his boogers is pretty darn funny.
Oh god, dude, that is SICK! Ugh! I think I'm gonna throw up!
Um, they're tasty because the nose is connected to the throat as well as the outside world. Nose picking might look unpleasant, but we are all swallowing those 'boogers' every now and then. It would kind of suck if they tasted bad.