Do u like chicken plzz answer?!
Answers: i am a vegeteirn i wannna kno if u can still eat chicken if u r a vegeteirn
a lot of meat eaters may say yes "because its poultry not meat." that never made sense to me, if your going to be a vegetarian its because you dont want to eat animals, a chicken is an animal. the answer is simple : NO you cant eat chicken
no b/c its meat! vegetarians don't eat things that were living creatures
no you cant eat chicken you should know you are a vegeterian
animals are for eating
come on people
plus chicken is delicious
your not consider a vegetarian, but who cares if you like chicken so be it,you just don't eat red meat and that's good enough.
Veggies are a living plant. All of our food chain comes from something that was living. I still believe to maintain a well balanced health you still need some type of meat. Chicken or fish.
yes chicken is a moving edible plant that has feathers
and lays eggplants
If ur a vegateirn than u dont eat meat but if u like chicken and u eat it than ur not a vegateirn, how can u not like chicken anyways
you can just not eat red meat tht is what my mom does
chicken is the best.... especially if its indian tandoori chicken...
but vegiterians can not eat chicken.
at first i thought you meant brandi!!! lol... but um... when ppl r vegetarians they can't eat mean..... at all!!!
If you are a true vegetarian, you cannot eat chicken but you can eay soy chicken. But some vegetarians do eat eggs.
But you can eat all the "faux" chicken products, the Garden Burger and Boca products are pretty good.