How to hide ham?!

Question: I am having a muslim family over for xmas and I want them to eat ham so they can see how delicious it is. How can I disguise it so they won't know what it is until after they eat it? I am already planning on putting crumbled bacon in the pecan pie.

Answers: I am having a muslim family over for xmas and I want them to eat ham so they can see how delicious it is. How can I disguise it so they won't know what it is until after they eat it? I am already planning on putting crumbled bacon in the pecan pie.

We did the same to our co-woker, it was fun. We order pizza and told him, that toping is something else but not pork and he eat it. ANd he LIKED it.

eat it

you could make like little sandwhiches out of it and tell them its something else

Mabey you shouldnt do that ask your family to understand where your coming from and try some.

you are weird

You're an ***. It's not that they don't like the taste, its a religious thing you fuc k!

LOL good luck with that

Why would you DO THAT? Im Muslim. Please just don't. He means that. And if he finds out, he will never talk to you ever.

Dude you can't do that, they'll get really pissed with you. My friends did that, and the muslim friend got really upset.

ohhh wowww... don't do this. Muslims don't do it because they think they won't like ham...! It'd be sacrilegious to them... Have respect for their beliefs, even if you don't believe in them yourself. Believe me, some ideas sound sneaky and all in good fun, but this one could turn very nasty and garner you a bad reputation for a long time.

don't give them someting that is against their religon. You do want to be friendly to them. Right? If you really think that they're missing out (which they're not) just ask them if they'd like some.

OMG dude, I can't tell you how wrong that is.
Don't do hat to them. Honor their custom and be a good host. If they are your friends and eat your food they will not be happy with "Hey there was pork in it" when they have already eaten.
I really hope you are kidding about this question.
I can't imagine anyone really doing this.
If you are not kidding then no, don't do it. It is wrong on so many levels (and no, I am not a Muslim myself)

Gonna screw-em up real good.
Way to go Gomer!!

EW! don't you freaking realize that is it against the religion. Islam forbids the consumation of pork. Do you think they randomly woke up one day and said "Hmmm lets not eat ham" imbecile

you shouldn't that's just mean!
it's like getting a Jew to eat pork, or a pescitarian to eat lamb ECT
For Mulsims (I am not one myself, but i am vegetarian) it's not a matter of taste, it's morals, and if you care so little about thier morals, you don't deserve them as friends (which i'm sure they won't be after you tell them)

Why are you trying to disrepect their religious beliefs?
If you do that will be making a big mistake.

You might want to rethink this. You may loose this family as friends. Especially if you trick them into eating what is probable a religious issue for them. Bacon in the Pie??????????????????

ha! you are bad! get a cookbook and look at the appetizers section for some ideas.

that would be really wrong of u!!! why would u want to comprimise their religious beliefs.....

You probably shouldn't make them eat ham. When thet find out they will be angry and kill you (metaphorically speaking). Just tell them to try it and see if they will. It will seem that you are insensitive to other religions if you go against thier beliefs.

What your doing is very wrong your trying to deceive some one.
You should be ashamed that you even thought of some thing so nasty.
It's not that they wont eat it it's against their religion and if you wish to keep this family as friends you will reconsider your trickery.
It would be more of a sin than them eating the ham.

All i can tell you is do not do it! they will get so mad when they realize you gave them ham. they might never talk to you again.

you cannot do that. that is so disrespectful!

i have never heard anything so awful.

think you are just posting this to get a reaction though!

make ham pot pie instead of chicken pot pie

they will do damage to you if you do that consider your self dead
if they wanted to try ham they would have done that along time ago by them selves
just don't they Will really kick you a**

Don't do it. Just make the dishes with ham and bacon, and let them decide if they'd like to taste it. That's like the Seinfeld episode when George put lobster meat in the scrambled eggs, and the girl was kosher. That's an ambush...and it's a no-no.

You've got to be out of your mind!!!
You sneaking ham into food of ANY kind and feeding it to
muslims is damn near criminal;!!!!
This is their religion, their belief, their way of living.
Gor GOD's SAKE don't do this

Don't do this. If you really care about the ppl who are comming over and respect them then you shouldn't do it. It's not nice to mess with people's beliefs.

Thats so cool....when i was in iraq in the military, the iraqis would get pissed off when we ate ham. THATS SO COOl... Im not a cook but good luck....


First bleach it over night then cook it as a chicken roll they won't figer it out!

Hmm buy a ice container and put ice in it and put the ham into it LOL and then hide it in ur room, after you want to show them the ham then you go to your room and bring it into the kitchen :P

luck ;)

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