Why do some people think that Americanized Chinese food is the worst thing ever?!

Question: All the Chinese restaurants I have been to have boasted having chefs from China so they would know what is good and what isn't. I have had "authentic" Chinese both in America and Canada as well as the popular "Americanized" versions and maybe I'm weird but I don't see what is wrong with the "Americanized" version since I personally think it tastes better. But if someone likes one or the other, why should it matter to anyone else if they don't agree? Why is diversity and difference of opinion such a bad thing?

Answers: All the Chinese restaurants I have been to have boasted having chefs from China so they would know what is good and what isn't. I have had "authentic" Chinese both in America and Canada as well as the popular "Americanized" versions and maybe I'm weird but I don't see what is wrong with the "Americanized" version since I personally think it tastes better. But if someone likes one or the other, why should it matter to anyone else if they don't agree? Why is diversity and difference of opinion such a bad thing?

I am with you.

Eat what you like. Who cares if it is "authentic"?

I like many Americanized recipes. I don't care if it is not authentic.

I agree....food is food, and people will never agree over it.
Me, I like nearly EVERYTHING.
(except organ meats, and certain things that shouldn't be food, like testicles, squid, and asparagus...BLECCH!)

Americans tend to think that Chinese food is full of fat and preservatives. At least the Americanized versions. I don't really believe that but the average Americanized Chinese restaurants use MSG and other things that kind of preserve the food. I believe the authentic Chinese does not have those ingredients. I also understand that authentic Chinese doesn't serve fried noodles. At least, that's what I have been told

The Americanized Chinese food is limited (China has many more dishes and a lot of its ethnicity is not represented) but other than that, I say, Hey!!! What the hey! So it's not authentic. Still good. I think the style is classic and the food is good. What more ya want?

A little snobbery plus many people buy their own jobs when them immigrate to America and not all had prior training. They opened laundry/ dry cleaning establishments, restaurants, dry goods stores, started farms, etc.

But if the restaurant depend on getting their flavors from fats or deep frying the foods, too much salt, sugar and/or mono sodium glutamate, no matter where the restaurant is, that's bad.

I like Chinese-American food.

The quality of food depends on training and interest, hard work, level of talent and creativity of the chef, quality of ingredients. I find that the menu also depends a lot on local availability of ingredients and what they think the consumer will buy. Good cooks often take a basic or popular dish and cook it their own way.

It isnt a bad thing! Its wonderful. BUt the narrowminded have negative opinions and negatives are always lounder and angrier than positives and the word spreads faster if its gossip/bad talk/rumors, etc.

Americanized Chinese food jsut means that they take out ingredients found in China but not in america (these ingredients might contribute to the main taste of teh dish) they might make it sweeter/saltier/more sour, depending on what the public wants, after all these restaurants aim to make money, not to preserve and cook authentic food if their not going to make as much money as if they cooked food people are familiar with and used to..

You certainly have the right to pick what you like, that is why there are people dining in those restaurants. However, you also should respect those who do not like Americanized version and voice their opinions out.

That's how freedom of speech works in USA.

Well.., I also do not like Western ingredients being prepared in Chinese way ... like well... can you imagine my dad marinade a nice piece of steak with soy sauce, ginger, rice wine, sugar and corn starch?

if you are ever in Hawaii, go into Wong and Wongs in downtown,As a Australian with a few Chinese friends I know the difference, and you will find it there, perhaps you can get onto them on the Net, I havn't tried but their food is Authentic and Fabulous

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