Is eating too much sushi bad?!

Question: That's impossible! It's healthy... right?
I don't mind spending forty bucks on sixty pieces of it! Yum.
Maybe I'll do that.. 2-3 times a month. It's expensive, man.
I love the salmon wrapped with seaweed. To die for. Whoof.
The tuna and shrimp are great too. But the salmon owns them.

Answers: That's impossible! It's healthy... right?
I don't mind spending forty bucks on sixty pieces of it! Yum.
Maybe I'll do that.. 2-3 times a month. It's expensive, man.
I love the salmon wrapped with seaweed. To die for. Whoof.
The tuna and shrimp are great too. But the salmon owns them.

go sushi!!! I love Japanese food and fresh salmon is on the top of my list too...

My mom would always tell me anything with the words "too much" before it is bad for you.

But then agian, if you think about it Japanese have been eating it all their lives and they turn out fine.

As long as it's in moderation then eat away =)

you can get 60 pcs for $40?
As long as the fish/seafood is fresh, i don't see no harm.
better than eating a double double burger i think...

o ya... its perfectly healthy. just make sure like the guy said above that it is fresh. and dont eat too much at one time or ull get a bad stomachache. i love sushi too and its worth every penny

Target has very good sushi.

that is some cheap sushi!

Unless you ahve a pregnant wife- eat away. If so, don't let her share in the salmon feast too often, the mercury could be bad for her.

And you can make amazing sushi at home for MUCH cheaper than going out, and Salmon Maki is easy- ( I like it best with avocado)
Just make sure you use sushi grade salmon ( ask the fishmonger or look for it labeled at the asian market)

3 cups japanese-style cooked rice
3/4 cup rice vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
roasted nori

Cook rice according to package instructions.
Mix vinegar, sugar and salt.
Cut vinegar mixture into cooked rice until well combined.
To roll sushi you can use a bamboo sushi mat, or just use a clean towel instead, or you can even forgo the roller and just carefully roll using your hands.
Place nori sheet on roller and spread a thin layer of the sushi rice over the nori.
Place your filling in a center line on the nori sheet.
Begin rolling by carefully folding over the top edge and starting the roll.
Continue to roll, keeping the roll as tight as possible.
Take a sharp knife and slice the roll into 1- 1 1/2 inch pieces.

Binging on sushi 2-3 times a month cannot be bad for you. That's better than greasy fastfood.

No, as long as its fresh. Love sushi, I think I'm going across the street & get some after work.

Just use common sense. The rice is high in carbs and the soy sauce is high is sodium. 60 pieces of nigiri sushi at one sitting sounds like a bit much, but if you exercise and are in good shape, then more power to you.

1.) No, it's not bad. Sushi (and sashimi) are quite healthful.
2.) I wouldn't give a doo-doo anyway. I'm eatin' it. Period.

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