Muslim food that is allowable?!

Question: My daughter goes to school that has a variety of cultures and there is one little Muslim boy who never has enough food to eat at snack and lunch time.He has admitted that his family does not have enough food. She shares her food with him. We know where he lives and want to drop off a box of groceries anonymously. Does anyone know what foods to avoid in respect to their culture?.

Answers: My daughter goes to school that has a variety of cultures and there is one little Muslim boy who never has enough food to eat at snack and lunch time.He has admitted that his family does not have enough food. She shares her food with him. We know where he lives and want to drop off a box of groceries anonymously. Does anyone know what foods to avoid in respect to their culture?.

You go! Just leave off anything pertaining to the pig. When we do this at church for families going through a tough time we commit to do it once a week for a period of time, say 3-6 months. Check with area churches. There is a nationwide organization call AngelFood that provides a box (you bring the box or cooler to carry it home in) full of food for $20.00. You do not need to be a member of that church and you can buy many boxes, even for yourself. There are fresh, frozen vegies and meat, always eggs, several other items. You can order and prepay it monthly, pick it up and be sure there is no pork or pork product in the box. Some of the prepared products may need to be reviewed and removed. Augment with items of your choosing.

Be very discreet, (only you need know, no names, kids do adults!) but see if there are a couple other parents in the class who would like to contribute or make a box for a week for you to deliver to this family in need. Involve the kids. They need to do things for others. What a valuable lesson and exercise in humanity for them....include the following:

Fresh foods, especially fruit and vegies (these are so expensive) can be prepared by the family and they know what will be in, sugar, flour, salt, pepper, rice, dry beans, vegetable oils, pastas. canned fruit and vegetables, that have nothing in them but what is on the label.

Take the box of goodies. Tell them what you have learned, but not how. Tell them as a gesture of friendship and brotherhood you want to give them somethings to make it easier for them during their hardship. If they protest...
Tell them that you are just returning the good that what was done to you when had a bad time. (I am sure someone helped you out of a jam sometime or other!)

If everyone showed your example, there would be fewer problems in this world. Good luck

pizza, every kid loves pizza.

just nothing from a pig...that is very nice of you!

hmmm, out of respect I wouldn't do that. Seriously your heart is in the right place but I think you might be causing more harm than good.

Avoid: pig products.

i.e. bacon, ham, pork scatchings, sausages

Anything else should be fine.

Muslims can only eat kosher chicken and meat! You can pretty much drop off like soups and cereals or something. Make sure that no pork is in any product! You have a good heart

Just dont give them anything that has pork. Or anything that was cooked/prepared with pork. Although it is not in the food, as long as the utensils they used to make it touched pork. Muslims usually wont eat it.

I know someone who lives the muslim lifestyle. Their meat must be "hallal" (blest), no pork, nothing baked or made with lard. They pretty much eat everything else.

I've heard they like roast or stewed Infidels. But I don't believe that.

There alot of Food that you must avoid but to make it simple for you try to buy HALAL products for them if you can that way you wont have to worry about what to avoid. Maple Lodge is one brand name in supermarket that I know is HALAL. Stay away from Pork and Alcoholic Items.

AVOID pig products & alcohols
"um sure"

hey im muslim
I dont know why people think that were picky with food, but we eat just about everything u guys eat :P
Except no pork, and muslims dont eat food that isnt halal, which means that it has to be killed the islamic way. however you dont have much of that in the u.s., so when i was there I just ate normal meat. But yeah, pizza is a good option, maybe pasta? breads and cheeses etc...
it all depends on how religious the family is..
but what ur doing is so kind I just hope they dont feel offended that people think theyre poor and stuff... if only there were more people like you!

oh- and alchohol too. none of that! forgot to mention it, sorry, thought it was obvious but just in case..

No pork & everything else should be ok
That's such a nice feeling from you

pork, but you don't know if he is a vegetarian so i would avoid all meat. Also some sweets contain pork gelatin so always check for that.

thats very kind of you
avoid any products which contain pig meat/fats
also muslims eat kosher meat so Halal foods are the best to go by
good luck!!
p.s no alcohol

Avoid pork and alcohol. It might also be good to make sure whatever you give is packaged but check the ingredients list first. You should also be absolutely sure he really doesn't have enough food - he may just be embarrassed that what he has is different from what everyone else has. Be aware too that some kids can tell very convincing stories. My own son (aged 7) convinced his friend's parents that his grandparents had been murdered by 'Indians'. The poor people actually believed him and were very concerned until I finally found out about it and set them straight (and my son, too).

for your information muslim only eat 'halal' food. which is an Arabic term meaning "permissible". In the English language it most frequently refers to food that is permissible according to Islamic law. 'Halal' in contrast to 'haraam', that which is forbidden
A variety of substances are considered forbidden (haraam) are...
- Pork, or any pig-based products (e.g., gelatine plus any utensil that have been used to cook pork and alcohol)
- Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but God
- All intoxicants (especially alcohol).
- Frogs that include animals who live on both land and sea (such as amphibians, some reptiles, and some species of bird) are off limits

avoid meat unless it is halal, avoid anything with pork in it ie sausage rolls sausages ham in fact anything with meat or meat products unless it specifically says halal. the only other thing is to avoid anything that uses gelatine in case its pork. otherwise i cant think ofanything else that is not acceptable. they will probably particularly like fruit and veg . also beware things like bacon crisps which although contain no meat (as they say suitable for vegetarians) my ex is muslim and he would never let my kids eat them despite my explanation. pepperami is another thing that is pork. hopefully this helps a bit.

No pork products....
Hummus is always a great snack for muslims.
Mashed Garbanzos or small fava beans (ful midammis), Tahini, garlic, lots of lemon juice, salt. Stir stir stir.

There is no problem for vegetable . but meat product they use only halal.and avoid pig product.

you are being overly kind and compassionate..
Do what you can and let them determine what is proper..
Anonymously ??? SHAME ON you..
Offering aid is the christian's proper way..
BUT REMEMBER the boy may be lying...
Better to call Child Protection Services or the Sheriff and Request their advice
The schools Principal or Administrator..Must be informed the child may have mental problems...

i think they eat most things but be careful about meat, i think they onyl hallal meat which is like killed in a certain way but i think be careful with what meat you give them oter than that it should be okay

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