Why is rice the staple food of Asia?!

Question: It grows very easily and can be mixed with pretty much anything. It's also quite high in starch and carbs, which today is not considered a good things, but which originally was great because it meant energy and a full stomach on a relatively low amount of food. (Grains also fit this, but were far more susceptible to famine, and also harder to make into food--would you rather make bread or boil rice?) Due to its abundance, anyone could afford it, and its relative blandness but great ability to mix with spice and sauce meant it could be accepted by all taste buds. Plus, other easily grown high-carb crops (potatoes and corn) that form the staples of many diets (so much so that potatoes quickly became the staple food of Ireland, in spite of then being totally unfamiliar) were originally grown exclusively in the Americas, so it was the only known food that fit the needs of the poor.

Answers: It grows very easily and can be mixed with pretty much anything. It's also quite high in starch and carbs, which today is not considered a good things, but which originally was great because it meant energy and a full stomach on a relatively low amount of food. (Grains also fit this, but were far more susceptible to famine, and also harder to make into food--would you rather make bread or boil rice?) Due to its abundance, anyone could afford it, and its relative blandness but great ability to mix with spice and sauce meant it could be accepted by all taste buds. Plus, other easily grown high-carb crops (potatoes and corn) that form the staples of many diets (so much so that potatoes quickly became the staple food of Ireland, in spite of then being totally unfamiliar) were originally grown exclusively in the Americas, so it was the only known food that fit the needs of the poor.

Because it grows easy due to the climate - therefore they do not have to import it - therefore it's cheaper.

The climate of Asia is very hot most of the time which is good for rice growth. Also Asia floods at certain times of the year and rice needs an abundance of water to grow. The people are poor in Asia and rice is their main diet and it is very nutricious.

Because its plentiful and filling ,

Because it's plentiful, filling and cheap.

Next one please.

i guess because it's easy to keep - no refrigeration required - the uncooked grains, i mean. so it's very appropriate for places without electricity.

it's really filling too. when you get used to it, it's difficult to find a replacement.

it is grown in vast quantity and as it is stored in its dry form easier to store without spoilage and as they grow so much it is a cheap form of carbohydrate that is required for energy. also you can do a lot with rice boil fry and steam it you can also grind it into flour and make noodles and pastry /bread with it so i hope this answers your question to your satisfaction

small rural communities can grow an abundance of rice on rather small swamp patties..
many times several crops can be harvested each year..
abundance = staple..

many reasons.

first off, the climate is great for rice growth, therefore there is no need to import other expensive foods. so it saves money.

it is also really filling and nutrious. you can eat less and still be full, and get the nutrients you need.

rice is easy to store and doesnt spoil.

its also part of the culture. their ancestors lived on rice and other things, and now they continue to eat it.

Because the climate lends itself to the growing process

It's easy to grow in the hot climate, and floods help. It can be grown in great quantities for very little money. It doesn't require much care while it's growing. It is very filling, and it can go with virtually any meal.

why is bread the staple in the states and potato elsewhere.

First its the climate wheat doesn't grow well in humid as well as very hot weather.

Second it is the cultural influence.

In the Philippines for example rice grows readily. the Chinese are a major influence thats also why we eat a lot of rice but we have been influenced by the US as well as a lot by the spaniards so we also eat bread (mainly for breakfast)

It grows there. The cheapest way to survive is to eat what is grown locally.

They do consume and grow wheat as well, but rice is cheaper and more abundant.

Because rice grows best in many parts of Asia. In the Philippines, we can't grow wheat, and potatoes only grow in the uplands.

The climate, the topography of Asia are well suited for growing rice. Potatoes need a cooler climate. So does wheat. That's why even some of our noodles are made wit rice, not wheat flour.

In Northern Philippines, we even have a deep-fried, filled pie made with rice flour and filled with shredded green papaya and corizo. Much like a fried tortilla.

because they cant be bothered to peel potatoes

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