Northern food?!

Question: I live in the north of England. My wife is from the south and says that traditional northern food is unhealthy. ie Black pudding, Tripe and onions , cow heel., trotters, etc. Is she correct?

Answers: I live in the north of England. My wife is from the south and says that traditional northern food is unhealthy. ie Black pudding, Tripe and onions , cow heel., trotters, etc. Is she correct?

black pudding is the food of Gods
(or would be if gods existed)
Anything eaten to excess is bad for you.
Northerners are just careful people who don't like to waste anything.
Some of the tastiest parts (as you have mentioned )of an animal are not always seen as healthy because some people find them strange...yet they are far healthier than fast food......

Find me someone northern who eats all that apart from maybe black pudding and I'll tell you lol! Other northern food is ace though, mmm gravy!!!!

And I suppose jellied eels is no 1 in slimmers world then?
Most British traditional food is unhealthy - we grow hardly any fruit or veg except apples and spuds. We have no native spices, we have fatty lamb and fatty pork. All british food is bad for you in excess. Its only the last few decades that we have ventured into mediterranean etc cooking, which is much healthier.

That's good, hardy, get-ya-through-a-long-winter food.

If it has pastry around it, or it is fried, it would be unhealthy if you ate too much of it.
Tripe is low fat, black pudding would be rich in iron.
If you ate nothing but salad leaves and apples, you would have an unhealthy diet. A variety of different foods makes for a balanced diet. Have a little of what you fancy now and then.

I lived up North until a few years ago and they all just eat fast food down here so there is no room to talk :P

There might be a lot of saturated fat in the meat, but it is good wholesome food that will keep you going without snacking.

I bet black pudding is half decent and tripe is probably good protein too.

Black pudding is the food of gods along with trooters and pigs tails,, savoury ducks,, ulster fry,, hot-pot and from even further north,,, i love haggis

Are you comparing it to "healthy" southern food like jellied eels and pie & mash?
I'm a northerner and I wouldn't eat any of that.
But a nice hot pot....there's a nutritious meal, full of vegetables!

no and this is why black pudding made with pigs blood oats herbs and spices nothing wrong with these just do not eat so many pigs trotters nice sauce of protean here tasty as well as are cow heels tripe is the stomach lining of a cow again a good sauce of protean with very little fat i do not think that your wife has given this subject that much thought as if she had she would see that a lot of northen food is indeed healthy look at a lancashire hot pot or other northen foods i think this just might be a southern thing all things northen are rubbish and anything southern must be better you as a Northerner should know different as you must have been brought up on northen Fayre and northen food is a lot more than black puds trotters tripe and cow heel look at where sirloin originates from or how about the roast beef of old England hails from yes . the same place as those puddings that you serve with it so now you know

well,it's not the lightest food but its wholesome..better than a burger put it that way!

hey David did your wife mention un healthy Yorkshire pudding as well? the thing is, those southerners seem to neglect to remember that they eat EELS!! the dirty, southern b******s.

its no more unhealthy than pie and mash or jellied eels.

Every culture has there "ewe you eat that" comments. I'm latin and when we serve something "traditional" sometimes eyebrows go up and you get that "look".

Here's a few examples:

Beef cheek, pigs feet and hocks, eels, monk fish, tripe, blood pudding, octopus and squid, snails, rabbit, venison, goat cheese, lamb's brains, goat.

These are delicasies and not eaten on a regular basis because some are expensive.

As for if its healthy, well most of my realtives live to be 90, or older. Any over indulgence is unhealthy for you.

Hope this helps. Good luck and enjoy.

I cannot agree about the black pudding - I LOVE LOVE LOVE black pudding (I suppose it depends on the butcher who makes it.) My doctor, however, doesn't approve. But, every now and again, I've GOT to have it!!

I never could get in to tripe, though. It just doesn't appeal to me.

People in the North don't just eat rubbish. I'm surprised you didn't tell her!!! Southern monkey!! But , actually, even though i despise tripe, it is supposed to be very good for you. Onions are extremely good for you, although black pudding isn't. I would say only 1% of people eat that crap anyway. What does she eat from down south, caviar????

Don't be daft.... it's great stuff....!!!

i come from the north, huddersfield, theres nothing wrong with it, we do the best fish and chips aswell, some of it is an aquired taste , down south they eat pie mash and liquire? uuuuuuuukkkk!!!!!!

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