Is Chinese dangerous to eat?!

Question: I love Chiese Gormet like alot of Americans. Bill O' Reilly in his book the O Factor says this isn't a good food. It smells bad. And all of the gel food isn't good for you. Also what kind of risk am I taking when I eat sushi? I like it but I think about the risk and all of the many people that may handle this product.

Answers: I love Chiese Gormet like alot of Americans. Bill O' Reilly in his book the O Factor says this isn't a good food. It smells bad. And all of the gel food isn't good for you. Also what kind of risk am I taking when I eat sushi? I like it but I think about the risk and all of the many people that may handle this product.

sushi isn't Chinese food, it's Japanese. But contrary to what people think that eating raw foods isn't healthy, that may not be all true. It's been said that the Japanese have longest average lifespans and diet may be a crucial reason.
sushi does have it's risks and with all things, it's better to eat it in moderation. A lot of deep sea fish like tuna may carry a lot of mercury.

well, think about it many peopl eat chinese and especially sushi..................i don't think so

No... and when you think about it the people that have lived the longest in the world are chinese... lol

Any food eaten in moderation is OK

Sushi is really healthy for you - and the only people who have handled the product are chefs who hopefully have washed their hands properly - you take the same risk with any food. It isn't handled any more than any other food, even in sushi bars even thought the food is continously going around, people dont touch the food unless they are eating it, they just watch the food go by and wait untill the one they want comes along.

How many Chinese people are there in the world? Food can't be that bad, can it? O'Reilly and those who tell us what to do must be taken with a grain of salt, as my grand mother used to say. Read, think about what you read, and then use your head.
Sushi can be bad, if made from unsafe fish. Always know who made the sushi, and when. It isn't who handled the food, as much as how fresh is the fish. If a sushi restaurant is using bad fish, it would be known immediately by the sickness that hits the news. I eat sushi every week, buying it at Costco or my market, and have no problems. I do check it out and smell it, though to be sure it doesn't smell of bad fish.
Remember, books are written to make money, not always to educate people. Even you or I could write a book about anything; once we have become popular we can then write anything we want, and it will be believed.
God gave us brains, so we can use them to decide who is going to tell us how to live or what to eat...or just to sell books.

Sushi shouldn't harm you if you're careful. Just don't eat the sushi if it isn't wash thoroughly or if you're allergic to the food. Other than that, sushi is a great food to eat.

Life's short. Almost everything is bad. Why bother?

I love chinese and sushi, while o rielly is right. It isnt good for you, mostly if u eat it alot and too often. But still i cant help it. Try Kung Pao Chicken and Spicy Salmon Roll

well... why would you listen to a racist asshole like bill o'reilly?

The Chinese food in U.S. are not really Chinese food.. It's really "Americanized" with lots of oil and frying and fattening stuff. People in China don't usually eat those stuff D: So umm it probably is really not that good for you, especially if it's not a traditional, traditional Chinese restaurant.

And sushi and sashimi are Japanese and the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in fish wins over the other risks (I read it somewhere but forgot where...). Don't have deep-fried sushi and don't dip it in mayonnaise or anything. Then it's really unhealthy >__<;;

Chinese food is not generally bad for anyone. It has been around for generations and the chinese population is booming inspite of eating chinese food every single day! LOL! ANyway, the bad thing about it is the MSG. Chinese are very fond of using it. There's this thing called "chinese food syndrome" and usually you will feel some headache coz of the MSG and aside from that the fats etc! So in moderation and in right amounts it will not kill you!!!

Bill O'reilly?????????????lol.....Bill O'reilly?????????HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa...... shouldnt be giving advice on anything....much less food..........LOL...........HaHaHaHaHa..... O'reilly.............LOL....good one!!!!

i do not like chinese food. Everytime I see it I think they put cat or dog in it.

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