Have you ever eaten 'cat'?.....please read on...?!

Question: On a recent trip to Asia, was in a small village in Southern China and they had like a live buffet, with cats being skinned and cooked alive infront of you!!
Now I wasn't too keen to try it but felt it was disrespectful not to and to be honest, I loved it mmmm
Anyone else ate cat(what did you think of it?) or any other animal you don't expect to see on a plate?

Answers: On a recent trip to Asia, was in a small village in Southern China and they had like a live buffet, with cats being skinned and cooked alive infront of you!!
Now I wasn't too keen to try it but felt it was disrespectful not to and to be honest, I loved it mmmm
Anyone else ate cat(what did you think of it?) or any other animal you don't expect to see on a plate?

i do not think that i would have eaten cat knowingly i may have done but was ignorant to the fact as you can not tell what some take away,s use as meat.
but i have to say that i do understand that cat as well as dog and horse etc are indeed eaten in some parts of the world and sorry Rachel you are indeed wrong these animals have never been raised to be pets but as food .
it matters not to these people that you are shocked disgusted or how you feel about this they might think your eating beef or pork or even a big mac is disgusting but do they come on here up in arms about you no they just get on with their lives .
as i have said no i do not think i would knowingly eat cat or dog but that is my choice not yours to make AND WHAT IF I DECIDED THAT I WANTED TO EAT CAT
what has that got to do with you and how would that make me an upper class twit what has class to do with this , oh by the way i am working class

i have it is delicious no offence or anything but it was i totally agree with u its just so good

Nothing I would say mmmmm about. It's not very tastey at all.

no and never will

hhmm i bet ur gonna be real popular in a few seconds time.

How horrible!!!!!! and inhuman!!!!!!!! totally AGAINST that!


does chinese food count?

poor kitties. no i haven't.
i'll pass thanks.

you are full of sh1t. and that's pretty sick. you are a disgrace.

why da hell did u eat a cat?

i had cat in korea, it was a little stringy, but quite tasty.

cat that is messed up but i ate a bat rays wings once and it was really good

well i did itt was okay but i rather have eaten a pig or a cow not a house hold pet

I ate horse before, but not cat! I didn't even know what I was eating until after, because of the foreign names. Poor animals!

Gross, I have had quite a few pet cats in my life and I don't think I would ever want to eat one. Not in my life have I ever knowly ate a cat but then again I have ate at a few Chinese restuarants in my day and you never really know. One around where I live they actually speculated the might have been doing that because there was cages in the basement, and cat food, which I doubt were used for live chicken.

stupid asians
even though i hate cats
their still stupid

Not sure used to eat at this great chinese buffet in florida. they had the greatest tiny ribs. always wondered where they got such tiny ones. then they were closed by the health dept.
Something about cats!!!

omg. I dont think I would be able to do that.
I understand its just what they do, but I have a huge problem with the way they go about it. (skinning, cooked alive.. yuck)

Thats sick, i wouldn't even be in the place if i thought let alone saw them skinning cats.

no, and probably would not think of it, and alive, i have seen that, what happened to all those Buddists who revered nature?? gone by the way i guess, the cat was so good, they said the heck with nature,

I am sorry but that is just disgusting.I know people eat it ,every day but still. eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

i love cats so i would half to of shot at killed every one in the place that coked them

Nope and don't plan on it either ......







I LOVE CATS AND U SHOULD NEVER EAT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its amazes me how ppl could eat that.
cats are God's creatures and you should never eat them. even tho cows are God's creatures 2 the Lord let us eat cows.

i bet it was the first time you had had p==sy moron, stick to chicken

I think it worth a try because i've eaten snail before and it's delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never eated cat but the saying is when in rome do as the romans do ! it would have been an insult to the locals if you hadn't pat on the back my fine fellow !

I would never let another's countries beliefs influence mine.. If I had a European friend over who was against eating something I ate.. I in no way would be offended. To eat something simply because you don't want to insult someone means you have no beliefs towards it.. Which is fine if you are weak-minded twat. Which you are. That's really sick in my opinion along with several others.. and that's not so twisted in others.. I would never eat a cat or dog, because don't forget they eat dogs as well..

Sure, and dog and monkey in the Philippines. Gamey but edible.

As a pet owner I would never eat dog or cat, but I do eat rabbit

Some of the diatribes here in response verge on the psychopathic, I'm sure Muslims & Jews would be upset by the numder of discussion here about eating pork, Hindus with beef and vegetarians & vegans with any meat. Disagree if you want but don't attack and don't criticise other cultures cause there are people out there who think poorly of whatever culture you are from

i understand that people eat different animals , in england and america pigs and cows and chickens are eaten all the time but this is what we have grown up eating,
to go to another country and eat a cat for the sake of it is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. no domestic pet should be eaten , well i hope you enjoyed your so called meal. i have not changed my opinion of you i think your sick and you seem to be a typical upper class wannabe english ,man " i've eaten a cat that makes me important" type

oh and im english before anybody excuses me of havin a pop at the english

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