Do u like curry food? why?!

Question: if yes, what is ur most favourite curry dishes?
usually where u have to go for it?

Answers: if yes, what is ur most favourite curry dishes?
usually where u have to go for it?

Spices are fundamental to all Curry Recipes and there is a huge range of spices which can be used but only a few of which form a basic curry powder. The most important spice for a curry is Cumin seeds, then Coriander seeds and these you will usually see as the most prominent two ingredients in nearly all shop bought Curry Powders. Additional spices in a Curry Powder usually will include Fenugreek, Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric, Cardamom and some others may be included for specific types of curry powder. Ground spices and Curry Powders must always be used fresh and kept in air tight containers. Older stale spices will add nothing but grit to your finished dish and leave you feeling dissapointed with the results. The very best reults will always come from grinding your own spices from whole seeds just before using them. This of course is not always practical which is one of the reasons we have launched our own range of curry powders and spices, these are all made fresh to order and shipped withing 7 days. We toast whole Cumin and Coriander seeds until they crackle then freshly grind and blend in other fresh spices as needed for the curry powder being made, in this way you can be sure of the very freshest most aromatic spices imagineable leading to great results. If however you have the time to make your own before a curry I would strongly urge you to give it a try.

Some dishes not only use ground spices but also whole spices or lightly crushed spices, these add a different dimension to texture and taste.


Chilli gives the curry it's heat and can be used in whole fresh form, chilli powder, whole or crushed dried chillies or as chilli sauce or paste. As well as heat, chillies can add some subtle dimensions of flavour which can be dramatically different from one chilli to the next. Habanero and Scotch bonnet chillies have a beautiful buttery, oaky and vanilla tones but are so hot that most people can't really take them. Most Indian Restaurants use predominantly Long thin green cayenne or finger chillies, they have a good taste and high heat level and can be added chopped, sliced or whole as required. The heat level of fresh chillies is reduced somewhat with the length of cooking so add them earlier if you like it milder and later if you prefer it hotter. Always add chilli in whatever form a little at a time, you can always add some more if needed but you can't take it out once you have overdone it. Chilli powder will permeate the rest of the sauce most readily. Finely chopped fresh chillies will need to cook for a while to add to the sauce in quite the same way. Whole and sliced chillies will add their heat mainly when eaten directly. Adding whole chillies to a mild curry can be one way to satisfy the demands of a group with different heat tolerances by serving the chillies to only those who like them, however there is a risk of one or more splitting and making the sauce hot so use thicker skinned chillies and add to the dish when most of the stirring and working has been done, alternatively add some fresh chillies, lightly toasted chillies, or chilli sauce as a table condiment. Adding chilli powder to a finished dish is not a good way to add heat as the spices need to be worked in to the dish which is difficult once served.


Indian dishes typically make very little use of herbs. The most frequent is coriander leaf, this should always be fresh, never dried. Usually coriander leaves are added towards the end of cooking and most often as a garnish. Fresh Basil can sometimes be used though I have never seen it used in an Indian restaurant.


One of the biggest mistakes made when cooking Indian food is that no salt is added on the assumption that there is so much flavour from the spices that you don't need salt. This is wrong and you should always taste your dish and season towards the end if needed. Our mouths can only taste 5 different things, sweet, salt, sour, bitter and umami (or savouriness). All other flavour (as distinct from the term taste) is detected by flavour molecules stimulating our olfactory gland in the nose. Try the following experiment to see this in action: Take a piece of any strong flavoured food (say cheese or garlic), hold your nose and put it on your tongue and rub it against the roof of your mouth. What can you detect? probably just salt or one of the other 4 taste sensations, now let your nose go and breath in as you taste the morcel of food, suddenly the flavours erupt in your mouth and nose. A well balanced dish needs basic taste stimulation of at least 2 areas of the five as well as flavour and aroma.

Onions, Ginger and Garlic

No curry is truly complete without these three ingredients which are always best used fresh. Onions are nearly always finely chopped and sauteed until translucent or brown as the first or second step in any curry. Ginger is usually grated and garlic can be sliced or crushed or both in the same dish.

Oil and Fat

Oil is essential in all curries as the medium which carries the spices. Without oil the spices are harsher and gritty with much less flavour and aroma. Indian restaurants tend to use Ghee which is a clarified butter, but Olive oil, Sunflower or Groundnut oil can be used instead. Add plenty of oil when starting the dish, it will separate and excess oil can be skimmed off at the end of cooking and kept covered in the fridge for use with your next curry.

The Main Ingredient

Your curry will of course have a main ingredient such as meat, chicken, fish, seafood, vegetables or cheese. Always use the best quality ingredients that you can afford and play to it's own strengths. For meat you should try and get free range meat which had come from animals which have led happier lives and fed on pastures rather than artificial feeds. It always pays dividends to find a specialist butcher, grocer, fishmonger whom you can trust to provide good quality foodstuffs which they know the origins of and about which they can talk knowledgably. Likewise local farm shops which sell their own produce can be invaluable sources of good main ingredients.

The Sauce Body

Most sauces outside of Indian cooking are thickened with flour either wheat or cornflour. Indian cooking usually requires pureed vegetables, yogurt, cream, coconut milk or similar in order to either thicken the sauce or create the final flourish to differentiate the dish. Some popular choices are:

Yogurt - Korma, Passanda, curry
Cream - Korma, Passanda
Pureed Onion - Curry
Pureed Tomato - Madras, Rogan, Jalfrazi
Coconut Milk - Ceylon, Korma
Pureed Chillies - Vindaloo, Phall
Spinach - Sag
Ground nuts such as almonds, pistachioes, peanuts
Combinations of the above


Stock can be made from leftover meats and vegetables easily without much fuss and attention once you know what you are doing. They are invaluable for adding some liquid to a curry to prevent burning in the early stages and at the latter stage to prevent the sauce being too thick. If you do not have stock then water can do the same trick but stock will bring added flavours and aromas as well as nutritious goodness. For meat stocks, never mix meats, the exception being that veal can be added to most other meats in stock form or to a finished dish, but you shouldn't add beef stock to a chicken curry. To make stock, take bones and meat, wash them and then blanch and refresh them. Put them in a big pot of cold water and bring gently to a simmer and cook on a low simmer for up to 24 hours but at least 2 hours. The simmer time depends on the type of meat and bones and teh size, smaller pieces take less time. After the first half an hour or so you should skim off any frothy scum on the surface and then you can add any additional flavourings such as whole spices, vegetable such as carrots, celery, onions and garlic. When you have finished simmering the stock, drain and then reduce down by at least half to two thirds to make a more concentrated stock. The meat you make stock from can be cooked or uncooked to start with, cooked browned meats will give a stronger flavour because of the browning and do not need to be blanched and washed, uncooked meats will give a lighter flavoured and coloured stock. Meat adds most of the flavour to a meat stock while bones lend a little flavour but mainly gelatine for a thicker stock.

To make a vegetable stock, bring a pot of water to the boil and add whichever vegetables you plan to use. I normally use at least carrots, celery, onions, and garlic but optionally potatoes, fennel, beetroot, parsnip, leeks etc can be added. Simmer gently for 1-2 hours but no more then drain and reduce down as needed.

Cooled stock can be frozen and kept in the freezer and added from frozen. For more flavourful stocks you can make double stock by using the stock juice of a previous stock to simmer a new stock, typically I will make a vegetable stock then add meat for a meaty double stock. And of course even triple stock can be made. While spices and herbs can be added to stocks, never season them as you will invariably season the final dish anyway.

The Curry Method

Finally we get to pulling all of the above together to create a curry. Some of the following steps are optional and depend on the curry being made or your preference.

Step 1. Optional. Crackle some whole spice seeds in a hot pan for 1-2 minutes util they crackle.

Step 2. Put some oil (more is better) into a frying pan on a medium heat, add finely chopped onions and cook until translucent or slightly brown. Each gives a different flavour and texture which you can try to see which you prefer.

Step 3. Now add the main curry powder or paste and stir in. Then add grated ginger, crushed garlic and any fresh chopped chillies.

Step 4. Now add the main ingredient. If this is meat you should try and brown it well on all sides to add lovely caramelised browning fl

I like Chicken or Prawn curry from the chinese, sometimes I'd make it at home...Mild curry

yeah I like chicken and goat curry.
my mom and my sister makes them, my sister is especially good at it^_^

I like Indian food but can't handle anything that's too spicy. I tend to have birayni, korma, passanda and stuff like that. I love prawn puree and like things with creamy sauces.

i love vindaloo .Its the hottest and makes me sweat

no i hate curry. and it goes right through me.

is tasty yum yum

I can't eat curry, but when I tried it I didn't like it so I'm not bothered that I can't eat it.

Lamb Madras with boiled rice, Poppadums, and lime pickle.....lovely!(from our local Indian Takeaway)

I am Indian, so I LOVE curry! I like Goan Shrimp curry & Murgh Makhani (Butter Chicken). I also love Thai curries, Penang & Massaman are my favorites.

Curries actually are complex dishes with a variety of interesting textures, tastes and flavors. Besides that, they just taste great!

no not realy prefer italy food

Chicken korma,pilau rice,aloo gobi and peshwari naan...then maybe a tandoori chicken if it isnt to hot. We go to our local indian who have an all you cn eat night once a week.Its an opportunity to try all different dishes. We dont go every week though...even though I would like to.

Love it but not too hot and spice. Love Kormas and Jalfrezis. and all the trimmings, chutneys, naan breads etc. It seems to taste better when you go to a restaurant.

Yes, My fvorite is chicken curry w/ Jasmine rice. I go to best friends grandma's house. She's I ndian.

Lamb pathia, take away in town. make my own tandoori chicken. I love it because it's aromatic, improve appetite and titillate the senses.

yeh chicken dopiaza

i love chicken ,goat or prawns curry

I LOVE Indian food! Chicken Badan Passanda, korma - basically anything that's spicy and creamy. We order take away most times.


Beef rendang is my favorite (a dry Indonesian curry)

Vindaloo is always a treat as well.

I like curry with basmati rice, popadums, paratha, chuntey and cucumber rita.

All of us are madly in love at curry foods.My family loves chicken curry,shrimp curry,beef curry, fish curry. Some times I make curry rice with grilled fish or fried/grilled chicken.It's a real finger lickin' good combination of dishes.Curry has a very important advantages for our health.One thing to mention is it helps you to combat cancer .You can ask the chinese restaurant,Indonesian,Philippine,Indian,... and Malaysian as well.

Well I am Jamaican.. so it practically runs thru my veins..

Curry Chicken and Curry Goat is my Favorite... Dal.. with Mango pieces served with Roti....

Awww man.. U can go to any Jamaican or Indian Take away place.. or try making it urself...

Its will be worth the effort! Good Luck and Happy Tasting!!

I love curry, Guyanese, Indian, Thai!! Not too hot though.

Jamaican curry goat, served with rice and peas. There is nothing else that can satisfy as much as this dish. My husband cooks the best curry goat, but he has taught me to cook Jamaican style over the years too.

love curry lamb is my fave meat goats nice too tandoori chicken love it .
why i like it well its the taste you know when its done right theres a wonderfully array of taste experiences to be had not just heat from the hot spices but all so from all the ingredients that make the dish what it is

I LOVE curry. We either go to an Indian food restaurant or a Thai place to eat curry.

curried chicken or paneer cheese. I usually make mine at home.

Yes, because curry is really good...
I always make my own curry, because its kind of hard to find vegetarian curry. I prefer the red curry, because its spicy, but not so spicy that it has no flavor. I have recently discovered curry paste, which comes in cans, and it makes curry even easier to prepare. Look for it at asian food markets.
I put zucchini, carrots, potatoes, assorted squashes, in my curry.

Have been eating spicy food since young.

My favourite curried foods are:
- Indonesian beef rendang: a more dry yet moist curry that simply melts in the mouth
- Malay style chicken curry using fresh herbs & spices
- Indian fishhead curry (originated in Singapore & unknown in India)
- Meaty pork rib curry
- Thai green chicken or beef curry (I like it better with noodles than rice)
- Malay vegetable curry (Sayur Lodeh)
- Japanese curry (I know this is a bit wimpish but it's really good comfort food with Japanese rice)
- Malay chicken curry puffs with generous chicken chunks, tender potatoes & hard boiled egg: simply scrumptious!
- Any meat curry with lots of gravy to be mopped up with white bread (I personally find the taste of curry can really be judged using bread instead of rice/noodles)
- Indian roti prata (flat pan-fried flaky bread) with curry (I prefer fish curry with this, the slight tartness from tamarind really perks you up)
- Malay roti jala (lacy pancakes) with chicken curry
- Lastly is my mum's oven baked chicken curry

Actually I think spicy food helps with weight control. From young to university days, I ate loads of spicy food and was slim & even a bit underweight. But when I drastically reduced my chilli consumption due to stomach sensitivity, I piled on the pounds faster. Too much chillies probably contributed to my weak stomach, so the point is to eat everything in moderation.

I like spicy food from all over the world. Mexico, Szechuan Chinese, Turkish, all regions of the Indian sub-Continent, Thai.
Why? Don't know. Just what I like. I put hot paprika on my hard-boiled eggs in a mozzarella tomato and basil salad.
At home, I make it myself. Abroad, I look for a restaurants where the locals are eating!
Jingha Korma is probably my favourite. Not hot, hot, hot, but spiced prawns in coconut milk! Sorry, dashing for the kitchen right now!

Pasanda.Creamy yet tasty. I have to travel a round trip of 80 miles.

i love the smell and taste of it, the spices are nice. My favorite is probably the prawn curry, I used to have it in a Pub in London but haven't had any since I moved away.

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