Can people who can't smell, taste food?!

Question: Just wondering...because i and nobody i know can taste food when they dont breathe through their nose...and i assume its the same, but not me out.

Answers: Just wondering...because i and nobody i know can taste food when they dont breathe through their nose...and i assume its the same, but not me out.

I have never been able to taste when my nose is clogged. Each time I get a cold that involves my sinuses, I cannot taste food for days. And I hate it. But then I meet my boyfriend. He can completely plug his nose and still taste. Clogged from colds? No problem, he can still taste. I can plug my nose to drink icky medicine and I can't taste it. He can taste it when he does the same thing. I cannot find anything in my current medical books to explain this, but it really does happen and I think its pretty weird too.


sence of taste and sence of smell ...are two differnt sences.
so when ones gone, it doesnt mean the other one is gone too.
so yes, people who cant smell, can taste food.

they may be able to tell the difference between foods, but as far as actually being able to taste it as it should be tasted, no.

most of your ability to taste comes from your sense of smell. that's why when you're sick with a cold and a runny nose you can't taste anything.

beneficial though so you can have that nasty medicine!


About 70 percent of taste involves smell - that's why your taste is dulled when you block your nose. When you get a head cold and have a blocked nose the same thing occurs ...

Only some of them can. Smell plays a big part in taste, but not everything. You don't need smell for sweet or sour or hot (peppers) but you do need it for flavor.pp

Though the two senses are linked VERY closely, a person with no sense of smell will still taste the food, it will just taste different to them, than us. To see how closely related they are, ask a friend to give you a random candy with a specific flavor i.e. peppermint, while you plug your nose and close your eyes. See if you can guess what it is.

a girl did a science projecst on that and she said it does not effect the taste except you dont get the enjoyment of the smell that everyone thinks is the best. Kind of like fries, how they smell so good and then you eat them and they are still good.

As someone who has a very poor sense of smell due to sinus surgery, I can assure you that food still tastes very good. If it didn't I'm sure I would have lost weight by now. And the flavour is exactly the same as it was before I had this problem. I'm a foodie and always trying new things, and can still taste new flavours.

This is crazy but I'll tell you about a friend of mine who had a head injury and lost his sense of smell. He couldn't smell anything but he could get a little taste if it was something really spicy or sweet.But he said he would remember what it tasted like so he would still eat things he used to like. He would eat a steak and remember he used to like it and the texture would remind him more. He had to be careful because he couldn't tell if food was spoiled.

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