Deep Fried Mars bars ?!

Question: I have never had one but i was wondering if they were actually nice ?

Answers: I have never had one but i was wondering if they were actually nice ?

The whole deep fried candy bar thing i believe started at a fair or carnival in one of the southern states of the United States. I have had a deep fried Milky Way bar in South Carolina and i liked it , however , it's very messy. It kind of tasted like a gooey, chocolate fried dough. I'm from Massachusetts and i haven't ever come across a fried candy bar up here even at fairs ( i mean you can get fried dough or ice cream , but not candy bars). You can make them a home if you have a fry cooker , or a big pot in which you can put frying oil, for deep frying. I don't know how good it would come out though. This is certainly an unhealthy treat.

yummmm omg reallu good but sooo unhealthy.
deep fried oreos are good to.

sounds good probably is

I dont know sorry

They're goooood, but like, millions of calories, get them done properly tho.

I haven't either but I love Mars Bars so wouldn't actually want to murder one!

It depends on personal taste, I find them a bit too sweet and sickly personally, one bite was enough for me!!


sounds good to me

Mmmm how do you cook that? having a mouthful of lard and sugar....bleuggghhh

is it from mars?

sounds good to me

I dont like them.........

whats that?

not sure but id love to try one, i wouldn't even know where to buy one x

yes and twinkies and oreos and snickers

Is the pope a catholic

Delicious!! Sooo bad for you which makes them taste all the better :)

Reallly really sweet and gooey and yummy..try one! But only if you have a very sweet tooth!

I'm from Glasgow so had to try one! I expected it to be disgusting (just the thought of it), but was pleasantly surprised as it was delicious. Very gooey and so bad for you

Well, they are intense if nothing else. It's battered and deep fried, sort of like a corn dog made out of a candy bar (but the batter is more pastry-like).

It's something you might like to experience at least once. Just try not to get a heart attack halfway through it! hah!

I kid. Enjoy!

Yes and so is deep fried icecream that I had once in a Japanese restaurant in London

haha! no i never ate it but im prepared to try anything!
this brings back the memory of when my p.e teacher came in and asked my teacher to make his deep fried mars bars for 'healthy food week'

Eeeuuuu, deep fried mars bars? What? You got to be kidding right? You're talking about the chocolate bar, right? That would melt the second it hits the very hot oil. That sounds absolutely utterly disgusting.

Captain, Chris W T
ATP- Lear 45, B747- A380 - A318

deep fried mars bars=ethnic cuisine????pmsl
did you pick that or did yahoo actually come up with it??
i suppose if you count some opportunistic canny Glaswegian as 'ethnic' ............
mind you all these poncey restaurants have latched onto it , but they just do little miniature versions so its terribly refined y'know. nah it need to be a king sized mars bar proper batter and a bottle of gaviscon for 'afters'. tee hee bleedin' hee

they fry them in scotland..mars bars,,also.fry the pies,and allsorts...meat x pototo pies,,cheese pies,,steak pies,,etc..theyre good,,but,so fattening..mary.c.

I have not had one, but I have seen them at fairs and carnivals.

the deep fried mars bar is truly one of the best experiences you can take you taste buds through!BUT.its so bad for you.even though you should taste it once in your life time.ENJOY!

Here's a recipe if you want to try making deep fried Mars bars at home. We can thank the folks in Scotland for being the first and most famous for this candy treat.

They are nice- in my opinion- but are probably amongst the worst food you can eat in therms of nutrition!.

A light batter made with plain flour, water, a pinch of baking powder and salt will work well. Using egg in the batter is optional and I have never done it. Make sure the batter is relatively this consistency, but still coats the bar well.

Tried it once 10 years ago. Recipe worked, Was good. Curiosity satisfied, so never again.;

they are lovely as a dessert with ice cream, and are no more fattening than some other high calorific desserts. you should try it sometime if you like choclatey gooey things you will love it, bounty bars are good deepfried as well.(remember and cover in batter before deep frying and always have clean oil.)

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