Mexican food...?!

Question: Why is it that every time you eat mexican food, your belly is bloated and ya stink? LOL I know it's funny, but it's so true isn't it?

Answers: Why is it that every time you eat mexican food, your belly is bloated and ya stink? LOL I know it's funny, but it's so true isn't it?

This is a really interesting question. I think there are two main factors in 'foreign' food having unwanted side effects/

1. You may not be used to it and the balance of oil / carbs/ fibre may just be different.

2. There is something missing from the balance. For example I have met people foreign to Britain who simply cannot understand why we would eat fish and chips - disgustingly greasy according to them BUT when you ask if they put vinegar or had lemon with it and they say no then you have the answer. Some kind of acid is essential to the balance and makes all the difference to the digestibility of the dish.

So mexican food, if you are eating beans then you may find that there is something you are not eating with it that you should be to counteract the flatulence. I'm not sure what that is in mexican cooking but to give an example we are all familiar with, we use parsley to counteract garlic and generally to improve digestion.

`Spices' and herbs therefore are not necessarily the villains of the piece and are likely to be one of the things that solves the problem

if u smell bad after being in a restaurant it means their food is probably really greasy and they dont have proper ventilation. mexican is filling therefor eu would feel bloated


Yep, it's gotta be the large amount of carbs in the food that makes you feel bloated. As for the smell, that probably attributes to the types of spices they use.

idk they must put stuff in the food that make you sick

I dont feel that

its very true. it might be because of all the dairy product (like cheese) or the bread products (LIKE ALL THOSE CHIOPS YOU EAT) yeah i always get really full after mexican food

Too much rice and drinking anything after makes you bloat because the rice expands. Also garlic is used to make alot of mexican dishes. And yes, the grease doesn't help.

cuzz ya fartt!! lol nah that happens to me after eating japenese sometimes... Its usually cuz ur not used to it!!

I've never experienced the stinky part, but perhaps you're not used to the spices used? Maybe you smell the lard? Some places still use lard, and that does have an aroma. Then of course, there's the flatulence afterward, lol.

As for dairy products as mentioned above, <real> Mexican food doesn't use a lot of dairy products. In this country, Mexican food is often smothered in cheese. In Mexican households, cheese is used but not in huge quantities. Usually cotija, oaxaca, queso blanco and queso fresco are used.

As for feeling bloated, that is due to how much is eaten. Since food in Mexican restaurants (notice I say in restaurants, and not in households?) is usually very heavy and greasy, eating less is preferable.

Take a beano before you eat. Than don't eat too much.

If you can find a Mexican restaurant that serves something other than the Taco-Bell type tacos, burritos, etc., etc., you could find it's less greasy, and a lot more healthy!

Who cares? It is delicious and worth it...I love fajita night. :)

If your so concerned don`t eat it, it doesn`t do that to me.

Yes, but that's the price we pay for nice and tasty food, lol.

No, I've never had that happen.

A lot of the so called Mexican food you get in the USA is nothing more than food that is modeled after Mexican food but tailored to bland American tastes. Real Mexican food is so hard to come by in America, I'm afraid most Americans would be unable to recognize it, so what they are really getting is Americanized quasi Mex stuff which is nowhere near the real stuff, which will not make you bloat or stink by the way. Mexicans use fresh ingredients, unlike Americans who use canned, dehydrated or prepackaged stuff, chock full of preservatives, fat and salt.
Americans who think that Taco Bell is the ultimate Mexican food experience are sadly mistaken.
I have eaten Mexican food for over 30 years and have never had any problem. When I have gone to the USA to visit, there is no problem with home cooking, but when we eat in restaurants my face breaks out, my belly bloats, I put on weight real fast and my kids feel listless and without energy.

Well no, as a matter of fact these gross exaggerations aren't true.

wats up with that

dude if your american there is no mexican food in the us its immitation even if its a so called mexican restuarant its all tex mex try eating
tacos al pastor
you have no clue

thats why
but if you are in England
it is probably not Mexican food.

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