Do you like to eat sushi?!

Question: Do you like Japanese food? Sushi? Sashimi? Do you like any cooked Japanese food?

Answers: Do you like Japanese food? Sushi? Sashimi? Do you like any cooked Japanese food?

I like sushi and sashimi more than I like my mother. My favorite sashimi is maguro. I like LOTS of cooked Japanese food, too. Shabu shabu, okinomiyaki, tongatsu, nika jaga, and sukiyaki as well as ramen, odon, and soba. Umeboshi and, well, I could go on. Without sushi or sashimi once in a while, life isn't worth living.

I really love sushi rolls! I do not like raw items in my sushi though (is that sushimi? im a bit clueless).
My favorite sushi roll is the crunch roll. Amazing (:

I love sushi and shashimi and anthing in between. I simply adore Japanese food, ALL OF IT..!!!!! :-)

I must admit, after trying to acquire the taste of Sushi 6 times, I still gag a little at the taste...

yes i do, yum!

Noo I hate Japanese food.

I Don't Like Sushi, but I like Japanese Food!!!!

i love sushi but not like the really raw ones
plus im really picky and i only like some of them


I have only tried Sushi a couple of times and have no recollection of the type except that I enjoyed them.
I am not really into Japanese foods.

um...eewww i hate sushi DX *dies*
i vistited my grandma in Japan (she's the only one of my grandparents living, and she lives ALL the way in Japan D:)
and we went out, and my mom got that, i tried it, and GAGGED! half japanese, but i hate most japanese food xD
well, i like rice and chicken, but thats in a chinese restuarant too o.O
i like...Raman? lmao!!

I love Sushi and Sahimi i cook Japanese just for myself my family dont like it. but i l love it.

yes, yes i love all of them because i was in japan for 3 years i did know and learn more abaut japanes cooking... the some of the foods they have don't even have in america!
it was so good.....i always go to japanes restorants ... great healty food and one word i can say is wow.!..
try it you will like it too....

My entire family loves Japanese food including the young ones. However, their favorite cooked food has always been the teriyaki dishes.

Yay, easy points!

Yes, I love to eat sushi. My favorite, however, is salmon sashimi. Mmmm, yummo.

i <3 california rolls or any type of sushi

Yes I think sushi and sashimi are marvelous. I've just had a crack at making thin rolled sushi myself - Not entirely successful but not bad.

In term of cooked Japanese food, I'd say okonomiyaki is one of my favourites.

I absolutely love Philadelphia rolls and soft-shell crab rolls. Most of the people who dislike sushi simply hasn't tried the good stuff!

I dont really like ethnic food. I'm pretty boring when it comes to food actually :P

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