Name that Italian dish?!

Question: Please name all the Italian dishes you know. I am specifically looking for one that is just a side dish and it's spicy fried or baked onions. But I would like to know the names for as many Italian dishes you know. All I know are spaghetti and pizza, so give me all you know.

Try to describe the taste or ingredients as much as you can along with the pronunciation of the name.

Answers: Please name all the Italian dishes you know. I am specifically looking for one that is just a side dish and it's spicy fried or baked onions. But I would like to know the names for as many Italian dishes you know. All I know are spaghetti and pizza, so give me all you know.

Try to describe the taste or ingredients as much as you can along with the pronunciation of the name.

i am italian and the italian food is:
pasta alla carbonara
pasta al pesto
i love italian food.......but i love also McDonald's XD

These are a few that I like:

Open Faced PLT

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon lemon zest
6 slices whole-wheat or sourdough bread
6 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto
3 cups arugula
2 tomatoes, sliced
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Whisk the mayonnaise, lemon juice, and zest in a small bowl to blend. Set the mayonnaise mixture aside.

Toast the bread on a panini grill or griddle until golden brown. Spread the mayonnaise mixture over each slice of toast. Arrange the prosciutto over the toasts, dividing equally. Top with the arugula, then the tomatoes. Drizzle the oil over the sandwiches, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut the sandwiches into 3 equal pieces and serve.

Chicken Saltimbocca

6 (3-ounce) chicken cutlets, pounded to evenly flatten
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 paper-thin slices prosciutto
1 (10-ounce) box frozen chopped spinach, thawed
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
1 (14-ounce) can low-salt chicken broth
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Place the chicken cutlets flat on the work surface. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper. Lay 1 slice of prosciutto atop each chicken cutlet.

Squeeze the frozen spinach to remove the excess water. Season the spinach with salt and pepper. In a small bowl, toss the spinach with 1 tablespoon of oil to coat.

Arrange an even, thin layer of spinach atop the prosciutto slices. Sprinkle the Parmesan evenly over each. Beginning at the short tapered end, roll up each chicken cutlet as for a jellyroll. Secure with a toothpick.

Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil in a heavy large skillet over high heat. Add the chicken and cook just until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side. Add the chicken broth and lemon juice, and scrape the browned bits off the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. Bring the liquid to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium. Cover and simmer until the chicken is just cooked through, about 8 to 10 minutes. Transfer the chicken to a platter. Simmer the cooking liquid over high heat until it is reduced to about 2/3 cup, about 5 minutes. Season the cooking liquid with salt and pepper, to taste. Remove toothpicks from the chicken. Drizzle the reduced cooking liquid over the chicken and serve immediately

Peas and Proscuitto

2 tablespoons olive oil
3 shallots, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 (1-pound) bag frozen peas, thawed
4 ounces (1/8-inch-thick slices) prosciutto, diced
1/4 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves

Heat the oil in a heavy large skillet over medium-low heat. Add the shallots, garlic, salt, and pepper, and saute until tender, about 1 minute. Add the peas and saute until heated through, about 5 minutes. Stir in the prosciutto and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the parsley and remove from the heat. Season, to taste, with salt and pepper, and serve.

Common pizza recipes
Focaccia al rosmarino - based on rosemary and olive oil, sometimes served with prosciutto. Usually served as appetizer
Pizza marinara - based on tomato, oregano and garlic
Pizza Margherita - based on tomato and mozzarella
Pizza alla napoletana (or Napoli) - tomato, mozzarella and anchovy
Pizza siciliana - tomato, mozzarella, capperi, olive and anchovy
Pizza romana - tomato, mozzarella, capperi and anchovy
Pizza pugliese - tomato, mozzarella and onions
Pizza capricciosa - with tomato, mozzarella, mushrooms, artichokes, black and green olives
Pizza quattro stagioni - based on tomato and divided in four sectors, one for each season:
Spring: olives and artichokes
Summer: pepper
Autumn: tomato and mozzarella (like Pizza Margherita)
Winter: mushrooms and boiled egg
Pizza ai quattro formaggi - with four different cheeses (sometimes melted, sometimes in sectors)
Pizza ai funghi e salsicce (or boscaiola)- with mozzarella, mushrooms and sausages, with or without tomato.
Calzone - folded over dough usually filled with ricotta and other ingredients

[edit] Pasta varieties - (over 650)
Main article: List of pasta
Bavette, bigoli, bucatini
Cannelloni, crespelle
Cappellini, cappelletti
Farfalle, festoni, fettuccine, filatieddi, fusilli
Gnocchi di semolino
Lasagne, linguine, lumache (snails)
Maccheroni (macaroni), malloreddus (Sardinian pasta), maltagliate, marille, Marrubini
Offelle, orecchiette
Paccheri, paglia e fieno, pansotti, panzarotti, pappardelle, penne, perciatelli, pici, pinzillacchere, pizzoccheri,
Ravioli, rigatoni
Spaghetti, spaghetti alla chitarra, strozzapreti, strangozzi, strascinati
Tacconi, tagliatelle, tagliarini, tonnarelli, tortellini, trenette, trottole, trofie

[edit] Pasta dishes
Ciceri e Tria
Bucatini all'amatriciana, Bucatini coi funghi, Bucatini alla Sorrentina
Cannelloni al ragù, cannelloni ai carciofi
Penne all'arrabbiata, pansotti alla genovese
Rigatoni alla pajata, Rigatoni al forno con salsa aurora
Spaghetti alla Bolognese
Spaghetti alla Carrettiera, Spaghetti al nero di seppia, Spaghetti alla Puttanesca, Spaghetti con la bottarga, Spaghetti all' aglio, olio e peperoncino, spaghetti indiavolati, Spaghetti Siracusani, spaghetti alla carbonara
Tagliatelle alla boscaiola, tagliatelle ai carciofi, tagliatelle ai funghi, tagliatelle al pomodoro, tagliatelle al sugo di lepre, tagliatelle al ragù
Tortelloni alla zucca
Trofie al pesto, trofie al sugo di noci
Tortellini of MODENA
Tortelloni ricotta and spinaci
Pasta and ragù!

[edit] Rice dishes
(Rice -Riso- dishes are very common in North Italy, specially in Lombardia and Veneto Regions)

Basic Risotto
Risotto alla milanese or Risotto with saffron
Risi e bisi
Risotto con la lüganega
Riso with schrimpfs
Riso con piselli (risi e bisi)
Riso alla toscana
Riso al nero di seppia
Riso con i porcini
Risotto alla sbirraglia
Risotto alla zucca
Risotto di seppie alla veneziana
Sformato al basilico
Sformato di riso dolce
Tiella di riso, patate e cozze
Risotto ai gamberoni
Risotto ai quattro sapori
Risotto al cavolfiore
Risotto al gorgonzola
Riso tonnato
Riso valdostano
Risotto saltato
Risotto al Barolo
Risotto con scamorza e champagne
Risotto indivia e fiori di zucca
Risotto allo zafferano con petto d'anatra
Risotto alla marinara
Risotto con agoni
Risotto mantecato con Grana Padano

[edit] Italian fish
Alici, Sardine, Anguilla marinate
Seppioline in umido
Missultin e polenta
Fritata di bianchetti
Fritto misto di pesce
Orate al forno
Acciughe fritte in pastella
Acciughe in carpione
Acquadella o latterino fritto
Agghiotta di pesce spada
Anguilla marinata
Baccalà alla vicentina
Baccalà fritto
Branzino al sale
Brodetto di arselle
Calamaretti fritti
Calamari in zimino
Calamari ripieni
Capesante alla veneziana
Cappon magro
Carpaccio di pesce
Cartoccio di pesce spada
Cozze alla tarantina
Cozze fritte alla viareggina
Cozze ripiene
Filetti di baccalà
Filetti di orata al cartoccio
Frittura mista di pesce
Grancevola alla veneziana
Impanata di pesce spada
Involtini di pesce
Moscardini lessati alla genovese
Murena fritta
Nasello al forno
Orata arrosto
Pepata di cozze
Pesce a scabecciu
Pesce al cartoccio
Pesce alla pizzaiola
Pesce spada alla siciliana
Pesce Spada arrosto in salmoriglio
Polpettine di mare
Sarde a beccafico
Sarde arraganate (sarde con origano e pane)
Sarde grigliate
Sarde ripiene
Sarde sfiziose panate
Sardele in saor
Sbroscia bolsenese
Scampi a zuppetta
Scampi gratinati
Seppie col nero alla veneziana
Seppie con i piselli
Seppie ripiene
Sogliole alla mugnaia
Spiedini ai frutti di mare
Spiedini di alici
Spiedini di anguilla
Stoccafisso alla genovese
Stoccafisso alla ligure
Tonno sott'olio
Tortiera di cozze
Totano imbottito
Triglie alla livornese
Zuppa di pesce

[edit] Italian meats
Coda alla vaccinara
Cotoletta alla milanese
Cotoletta alla petroniana (like a cordon bleu)
Bistecca Fiorentina
Osso buco
Parma Ham
Pezzetti di cavallo
Prosciutto cotto
Prosciutto crudo
Violino Valtellinese

[edit] Italian wine
Further information: Lists of Italian DOCG, DOC, and IGT wines.
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, Trebbiano d'Abruzzo
Bolgheri, Carignano, Chianti, Colli Apuani, Colli Etruria Centrale, Colline Lucchesi, Elba, Scansano, Montalcino, Montescudaio, Nipozzano, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Parrina, Pitigliano, San Gimignano, Val di Chiana, Val di Cornia, Valdinievole, Valle di Arbia
Alba, Acqui, Asti, Barolo, Carema Riserva, Colli Tortonesi, Gattinara, Gavi, Langhe, Monferrato, Nebbiolo, Ovada
Amarone, Bardolino, Colli Euganei, Valpolicella, Conegliano Veneto, Custoza, Soave, Valdobbiadene
Cinque Terre
Sangiovese, Lambrusco (al mei del mei), Pignoletto, Gutturnio, Bonarda, Trebbiano, Albana
Cagliari, Monti, Nuragus, Ogliastra
Verdicchio, Conero, Piceno
Franciacorta, Oltrepò Pavese, Sassella, Inferno, Grumello, Bonarda, Barbera, Spumante Brut, Valcalepio
Etna, Noto, Passito di Pantelleria, Marsala, Nero d’Avola, Donna Fugata
Orvieto, Torgiano, Rosso di Montefalco, Sagrantino, Grechetto

[edit] Italian cheeses
Further information: List of Italian cheeses, and the more select List of Italian PDO cheeses
Bel Paese, Bitto, Bra, Burrini, Burrata, Butirro
Caciocavallo, Cacioricotta, Canestrato pugliese, Casècc, Castelmagno, Caprini, Casiello, Casu modde, Ciccillo, Crescenza, Crotonese
Fontina, Fiore Sardo, Formai de mut
Giuncata, Grana Padano, Gorgonzola
Marzolino, Marzotica, Mascarpone, Mozzarella, Montasio, Monte veronese, Murazzano
Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino di Fossa, Pecorino romano, Pecorino sardo, Piacentinu, Primo Sale, Provolone, Puzzone di Modena
Ragusano, Raschera, Ricotta rifatta, Ricotta Salata, Robiola,
Slattato, Stracchino, Squacquerone
Taleggio, Toma, Tumazzu

[edit] Italian desserts and pastry
Biscuit Tortoni
Cannolo siciliano
Cassata siciliana
Gelato (ice cream)
Macedonia (fruit salad)
Panna cotta
Torta caprese
Struffoli (tiny fritters glued together with honey and decorated with multi-colored sprinkles)

[edit] Italian coffee (caffè)
Bicerin (coffee, hot chocolate and whipped cream, only in Turin)
Caffè corretto
Caffè macchiato
Espresso (known generally in Italy simply as caffè)
Grolla dell'amicizia (coffee and grappa served in a traditional bulbous wooden loving cup, shaped like a multi-spouted teapot, and drunk in the Aosta Valley and Piedmont)
Marocchino (similar to a small cappuccino, invariably served in a glass, and drunk mainly in Milan and Casale Monferrato)

[edit] Famous Italian dishes
Bistecca alla fiorentina (Florentine beefsteak)
Baccalà alla Vicentina
Pasta e fagioli (commonly known as "pasta fazool")
Spaghetti alla Bolognese
Fettuccine Alfredo (though invented in the United States) (infatti non le avevo mai sentite nominare)
Limoncello liqueur
Veal osso buco
Pollo alla cacciatora

[edit] Special Occasions
Feast of the seven fishes

Stuffed Calamari in Tomato Sauce – Squid stuffed with breadcrumbs, garlic, water/milk, and egg. The stuffed squid baked with a tomato sauce, cheese and olive oil.

Fried Smelt – Smelt, bite-sized fish, deep-fried with a salt and pepper seasoning.

Deep Fried Breaded Oysters – Oysters deep friend and breaded, typically rolled into a ball before frying.

Deep Fried Fish/Shrimp – Fish/Shrimp dipped into batter and placed into deep fryer. Dish is typically served with lemon and/or cocktail sauce.

Linguine with Clam Sauce – A mildly spicy dish that combines Linguine pasta served with tomato sauce and cooked clams.

Marinated Eel – Bite-size cut eel deep fried and seasoned with salt and pepper marinated, after being fried, in a garlic, balsamic vinegar, and sugar sauce.

Baccalà – De-salted, by soaking water, cod cut into bite-sized portions, pan fried until brown; and served with tomato sauce and pasta.

Whiting – Baked Whiting fish seasoned with salt, pepper, and drizzled olive oil. This dish can either be served with fish being whole or sliced into chunks.

Tiramisù – Layered Italian dessert that incorpora

Veal Parmagiana
Fetticine Alfredo
Shrimp Scampi
Baked Ziti

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