Hallal meat?!

Question: my husband is muslim and wants halal meat but i dont understand what is the diference between halal or just the normal meat from the supermarket

Answers: my husband is muslim and wants halal meat but i dont understand what is the diference between halal or just the normal meat from the supermarket

i am muslim too.
look dear
halal meat is beef (cow) or buffalo or lamb or goat...
many meats are halal,and as usual what is prohibited is the exception. it is only for man's physical and pycological health and not to burden him
pork meat is completely prohibited,and it turned out to be very unhealthy
the meat to be halal must be slaughtered from the neck,with a very sharp knife(to be done quickly so that the animal wont suffer),and after saying (Allaho Akbar)which means Allah the Great
and this is the most merciful way to kill an animal,as the brain contains all the centers of control and sensation of the body,and separating the head from the whole body,all at once,gurantees ceasing the animals suffering at any part of his body immediately
also we beleive,and that was tested scientifically,that all creatures naturally know God.so stating greatness of God ,rather than any of Gods tender names,makes the animal shakes in a way pushing blood strongly out of the body.and this is very healthy as blood carries all wastes of the animal body ,and so no blood harmful residuals will be inside the animal body.
for such reasons animals killed in other ways like:
fell from a high place
by horns of other animal
slaughtered without saying Allah when slaughtering
all these are also prohibited
i think there are places for Islamic slaughtering,and your husband shall ask his muslim freinds in your country
i only tried to help,as i admired your tolerance and caring for your husband religious traditions
for more information about Islam try to visit this site,follow the english link in the page
if your husband is kind to you,please tell people aout Muslim manners.hatred has become the theme of these days.we have lots of people trying to deform all religions,please if you have a chance to bring some peace to this world ,dont ever miss it
wish you the best

halal meat is all meats except dog meat and pork and wildbore.. i live in a country where the majority of the ppl are muslims..so there are signs everywhere.. and even at functions we know what not to serve the muslims.. so remember.. just any sort of pig, boar or dog.. is not halal.. the rest is halal.
hope i was help.

"Halal" meat is similar to "Kosher"...come from the same dietary and religious laws in vogue 2000 years ago. (Sons of Abraham bible-wse)

Anyhow, to buy Halal meat you must buy it from a market that sells certified Halal meat. We have lots of places in Seattle and since you are on a computer when you ask Y/A....you can easily find maket in your area.

You said you are married---it is pretty weird if you cannot ask your husband things like this.

Hallal is meat htat is considered acceptable by the muslm faith. Basically, it is the muslim equivalent of kosher food for Jews.

Certain animals (like pork, dog or donkey) are forbidden. Certain cuts and organs are forbidden. The meat animal must have been slaughtered in accordance with certain ritual requirements.

Generally, you know hallal meat because it is certified by local muslim authorities. you should get it in special butcher shops that usually announce "halal" on the storefront. You can also get it in specialised areas of major supermarket, but it should be clearly labelled as such. In a pinch, kosher meat should be acceptable, even though not certified by the proper religion.

Halal is Halal if the following conditions are taken into consideration:
1)The animal itself is Halal. That means no pork.
2)The food the animal consumes does not contain any blood or meat.
3)It should not be given any hormones


Hallal is meat killed in accordance with the laws of Allah. You can find it at many Persian Markets they will advertise on the building and in their yellow page ads that they only sell Hallal meat. He may accept Kosher meats (depends on his view of Jews) since the laws are very similar.

Hallah in the Muslim belief is anything that's permissable according to the Quran..

So,hallal meat is that which was slaughtered quickly by a knife to it's throat & then the proper prayers are said.. and the animal may not be a pig,very very similar to Jewish kosher meat as pork in both religions are forbidden..
If you can't find any Muslim butcher shops in your area I'm certain your husband would eat kosher meats..

good luck & happy eating :-)

"You" are 100% correct,,, there IS absolutely NOTHING different,, they all come from the same auction yards..

The fact islam requires cutting the jugular veins,, so as to "bleed" the Blood out,,, because of their religious association in pagan sacrifice.. (( just nonsense..!!!))
2000 thousand year old belief,, vs,, physics could never have immagined the capilliary system "You can not elininate the blood from meat.."

ok my uncle is a muslim farmer that does accordingly to the qur'an

Halal meat is meat that is killed in a sertain way...which is to drain out all the blood of the animal while slautering it....

now to get in to more detail....Zabiha meat is what some muslims can only eat....some muslims consider halal also kosher....but zabiha is when a muslim is the one who slaughters in the islamic way......

for ex. slaughtering a goat there are certain rules u must follow

first you MUST have a very sharp knife to make sure the goat wont suffer....then u must restrain the goat by hold its four legs with one hand.....then hide the knife from the goat, so it wont no its about to die...
then u say "bismillah allahu akbar" and make sure u cut its jugular bone so it will die immedeatly

you must drain most if not all the blood out of the goat...

is this a halal meat company that dilivers meat all over the us

Mike L is just an ignorant fool. No one asked you to pass your judgment on the religion or custom; she asked about the meat. There IS a difference betweeen halal/kosher meat and non-halal/kosher. Meat that is bled out as much as possible LASTS LONGER and is fresher, healthier than meat out of the supermarket.

The difference is the meat the you purchase from the supermarket has a big question mark as to how it was killed. It could have been beat in the head, shot, stunned, etc... Also, the meat was not killed while mentioning God's name (this is one of the things that makes Kosher and Halal similar).

The meat your husband is requesting has been killed by way of cutting the jugular vein with a very sharp knife and by saying "Bismillah. Allahu Akbar". In the Name of God. God is the Greatest. The animal is then bled out (as much as possible).

Many people prefer Halal meat (whether Muslim or not) because they say the meat is both more fresh and it is not as tough. As you can imagine, an animal that is killed by way of stun gun, being beaten, scared, etc will tense up and the meat will be tough.

I once read some where (on a butchering web site) that the animal tenses up and the adreniline starts flowing and the body lets off some type of chemical that makes the meat take on a different taste. It may certainly just be with goats or sheep.

Anyway, this is the difference. Halal meat is slaughtered according to the way Allah has legislated in the Qu'ran. Halal does not signify simply - not eating pork, dog, or any other haram animal. Halal means it is permissible while haram means it is forbidden. So, you can have chicken that is halal (permissible for Muslims to eat) but it may become haram (not permissible/forbidden) because of the way it was slaughtered.

Again, this is why your husband may eat Kosher meat because Jews also slaughter and in the name of God, which makes their meat halal for Muslims.

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