Is it true that Chinese food restaurants in the U.S. have been indicted for selling dog meat in-place of beef?!

Question: Is it true that Chinese food restaurants in the U!.S!. have been indicted for selling dog meat in-place of beef!?
Is this an urban myth, or have charges really been filed against Chinese food restaurants!? Why is it that Chinese food is always so sketchy!? Why does it seem like it's in Chinese culture to mess with people's food!? It's almost as if it's a funny joke to them!. Can anyone who's a Chinese food chef comment on this!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think it's largely just an urban myth which has been around for a long time and gets widely believed due to growing anti-China resentment over recent years and the unfortunate Chinese reputation for eating lots of 'weird' stuff only seen on Fear Factor!

Even if there was really a few isolated incidents over the decades, it's hardly fair to tar all American-Chinese restaurants with the same brush & appear to imply there's this huge conspiracy by the dastardly yellow-skins to feed unsuspecting Caucasians with their beloved pooches! And as someone else pointed out, although China is often held as an example of dog eating, some other Asian countries eat far more dog & are much more enthusiastic about dogmeat than the Chinese!.

While there's certainly lots of fake food in China (far more domestic cases than export incidents) eg!. soy sauce, tofu, milk powder, even an alleged fake BBQ pork bun scare etc, I think many of the Chinese in America have already been there for some generations & have integrated to some degree into society, so why this bias in the U!.S!. against a specific group of very hardworking & law-abiding immigrants!? Even the oldest (white) American families were immigrants!.

I highly doubt the greater majority of American-Chinese restaurants would be stupid enough to risk losing their license to operate, no matter how attractive the increased profits!. The Chinese throughout history are known for their financial shrewdness, which means not making stupid business decisions with only very short-term minimal gains & disasterous consequences!.

And it's certainly not part of Chinese culture to "mess with people's food"!. Anyone who thinks so simply displays sheer ignorance about Chinese food culture where food preparation is taken very seriously & sublime culinary skills revered!. And such people should just relieve their paranoic minds by boycotting all ethnic restaurants & solely consuming only all-American junk fast food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

maybe you are a closet racist!. maybe somewhere some lone chinese place got charged with that horrible thing, but then you go and plaster all chinese food as sketchy, and label chinese people as the kind of people who f*** with your food!. come on, matt, thats just uncalled for!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i here it locally in uk as well i read in paper 1 did do it but who knowsWww@FoodAQ@Com

I'm Chinese, and I know that people do eat dogs,cats, and various other animals in China!. Eating animals that people here would consider to be domestic animals is just part of what they do; it has been around for a very long time!. My dad owns a buffet, and I can assure you that there is NO dog or cat meat in the food!. I believe it's just a myth for the restaurants in the U!.S!. and here in Canada!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know about everywhere, but where I live, in the 1980s, Napa, CA, there was an article in the paper about a college professor who ate at one of the restaurants, didn't recognize the meat as "beef" and had it tested and it turned out to be cat!. The restaurant was shut down and they never reopened!. EW!Www@FoodAQ@Com

beef is cheaper, why they use expensive dog meet in-place of beef at the price of beef!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

You racist pig! How dare you make those comments!. There's a special place in hell for people like you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am in the food service industry and have been for over 25 years!. Every chef or restaurant owner wants to keep their food cost down!. Unfortunately there are some that go beyond the limit!. In my book this is totally unacceptable!!! Believe me, it doesn't just happen in Chinese restaurants!! But to answer your question, In my area a few years ago a health inspector did indeed find horse meat in a Chinese place!. Needless to say it's been long shut down !!Www@FoodAQ@Com

That actually sounds pretty far fetched!. There is actually a dog breed specifically for eating, they don't just eat any kind of dog and that dog that they do eat is quite expensive to buy and truthfully I doubt you could get it anywhere in America!.

Another thing that people seem to confuse is that while you can eat dog in China, it's more common in Korea!. Chinese are actually extremely superstitious about things like that and I highly doubt they'd use a different type of dog other then the one that they do breed specifically for eating!.

I think alot of Americans think that chinese food is "sketchy" because they have really really high standards as to the types of food they eat as to where Chinese and other cultures are pretty relaxed about it (you simply don't find very many dishes including jellyfish or pig intestines in American cuisine)!. I know it's generic to think that just because it's not the main part that alot of Americans have been raised to eat that it's gross and that's simply not the case!. Chinese cooking is actually pretty difficult as to some of the methods and techniques used to bring out certain flavors as well as creating a dish that is also a work of art (both to the mouth and to the eye)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

mm!.!.!. ignorance is the result of misunderstanding and not understand other people culture!.!.

this world has lot of different enthic group and cultures!.!.!. we are not in the position to tell others how to live or cook in their culture!.!.!. so don't judge !.!.and understand that different people in the world eats different things!.!. what is werid to us is normal to them and what is normal to us is werid to them!.!.!. so what you are doing or eating right now is strange to other people !.!.!.

anyway,all meat sold in US have to be approve and certify by US goverment !.!.!. therefore there is no dog meat or cat meat or etc that has not been approve by the US goverment !.!.!.

chinese food is stretchy cos it is normal to use flour(potato) to thicken the base of the stock !.!.!.

Chinese Culture never mess with people's food!.!. it is chinese food that is prepare in chinese ways, cook in chinese method and serve in chinese style!.!.!. so how can chinese mess with other people food!? if you don't like chinese food !.!. than don't eat it !.!.!. problem solve!.!.

why is it a joke to chinese food!.!.!.!.!.mmm cooking for chinese chef it is never a joke!.!. it is their lifelyhood!.!.and the taste that chinese poeple are proud of!.!.!.!. so how can it be funny to chinese people!? it is funny to chinese people when western people taste the food for the first time cos the westerner had strong reaction to the food and that is funny!. isn't it funny when someone has a funny reaction !.!.!.:-)

anyway, chinese food is a long process of marination of food to tenderise or favor it !.!.!. for 1 meat dish, we can use up to 15 different sauces to marinate it !.!.!. and take the time to get things right,,, it's a 1000 years of cooking methods and history that no western cooking can bet! Chinese cooking don't think it is right to just take a lump of meat and just grill/roast it ,,,, it is like a unculture way of eating!.!.!. chinese takes pride on the presentation and taste of any dish!.!.!.

hope this answered your question!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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