Hi everyone I would like to ask one and all to tell me why french cuisine is considered to be the best?!

Question: Hi everyone I would like to ask one and all to tell me why french cuisine is considered to be the best!?
in the world!. I havent really tasted it but have watched so many cookery shows with french recipes!. Very frankly from the ingredients used and the method one can surely tell its a very very bland, spiceless and tasteless cuisine!. I have tasted thai, Italian, mexican , chinese and mediterranean!. I do not think french is the best cuisine and those who agree to it , are doing so just because its fashionable and prestigious to talk about french cuisine!. Those who like it have not tasted the real cuisines of the world!. I am an Indian and would like to mention here India has diverse cultures and cuisines and the variety of dishes available are countless as in really countless with the diversity and taste!!. It is the only cuisine with a lot of nutritional and preferential options!. It has variety of tasty options for people who are completely vegan ie who do not even eat milk and milk products!. I think Indian cuisine is the best not because I am an Indian but because its simply the bestWww@FoodAQ@Com

I can attest to the fact that most French food is indescribably bland!. I'm American, and thus I'm not accustomed to super-spicy things, but I found all the food I ate in Paris to be nearly tasteless!. The only food I ate in Paris that had herbs was a pizza in an Italian bar, and the only time I ever detected a hint of spice was in a Turkish sandwich shop!.

Even things that were supposed to be very flavorful, like gazpacho and curry, were tasteless; no garlic, no salt, no pepper, no herbs!. The salads, sandwiches, roast meats, pastas, soups, everything---no flavor whatsoever!. Even things that were labeled "piquant" on the menu had no heat!.

Overall, because of the general lack of taste, I came to the speedy conclusion that French food is not what it's cracked up to be--not even close!. The only things that weren't disappointing were the cheeses, breads, yogurts, and desserts!. If you ever go to France, feel free to indulge in these and skip the main course!. Myself, I'll take Mexican, or even Chinese, over French food any day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

On the contrary, Great french cuisine is an example of layering textures and flavors in such a way as to really create an experience!. Unfortunately, (myself included) many folks tend to gulp their food and pound down the drinks, losing all of the art of great food and wine!. We love curries and Jerks because of bold flavors!. the difference is that these are one dimensional, whereas French cuisine is multifacetedWww@FoodAQ@Com

i think its kind of funny that you say you havnt tasted it yet you say you dont think its the best and then box people who do into being fashionable and prestigious!.
i love ALL food!.!.!.especially thai, viet and indian!.!.!.BUT french is my favourite!
it may not have the spice and chilli that indian food is known for however it is the way french food is put together!.!.!.flavours that compliment and dont fight with each other!. french food is also known for its sauces, and textures!. its about creating an eating experience!.!.!.they is also a huge range of foods in french cookery!. indian may use lots of cumin, chilli, yogurt, garlic and ginger etc which is quite common in all dishes!.!.!.and yes it is very yummy!.!.!.but french food is about combining different flavours to create a whole!.
also french food requires a lot of difficult techniques at times which produce not just great tasting food but beautiful food!.
food is not just about the taste!.!.!.its also about the texture, the smell, the way it looks and the noise it makes when we eat it!.!.!.food is sensual!.!.!.and touches all senses!. french food does this in an impecable way and this is why it is known to be the best!.
i would suggest you let yourself enjoy true french food before judging it as its as much a shame if you dont as it would be for someone else not to try indian!.

I am also Indian and very proud of my culinary heritage, I agree with you but you also have to realize that Eastern & South Asian cuisines have just recently become more well known esp in the US!. Twenty years ago, nobody had even heard about chai, chaat, tandoori, biryani, naan!.!.!.!.!. it is just recently that people now know that garam masala is Indian!. It's not just desi food, but also Thai, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Persian, Middle Eastern!.!.!.!. are all becoming more popular!. They are also becoming more incorporated into the Western diet, everyone uses soy sauce these days!Most Americans love kebabs, hummus, naan, dolmas, lassi, pho, sushi!.!.!.!.

But as far as Western cooking (US & Europe) goes, French cuisine has had a large role and influence on both recipes & cooking techniques!. Early French cooking has had a profound influence on many European countries!. But like all cuisines, French cooking has also evolved into a modern cuisine with several influences from its former colonies (Vietnam, Morocco, Algeria!.!.!.!.)!.

I also think Latin American has had a huge influence in cooking here in the US!. We use many recipes, ingredients & cooking techniques!. This country has adopted & created their own versions of Mexican, Chinese & Italian foods!. This country really is a wonderful melting pot of different cuisines!

Lastly, I believe the Indian palate is so heavily influenced by bold flavors & spices --- most other cuisines can seem boring & bland!. Most desis need to add chutneys & pickles to sandwiches & even pizza! But I suggest keeping an open mind and trying everything ---- you will never know until you try!. I have tried French food and it is wonderful!. It's very different from Indian food but there are some tasty dishes!. All cuisines do have some wonderful dishes to offer, just get out there & taste life!Www@FoodAQ@Com

o,actually,it is very clear,BLAND TONGUES & BLAND CUISINE,and also using,well,escargots!(frogs legs,I ask You!)
AND They add sauces!!!
Actually,now I will let You into the secret,it is all about the english!Believe You me!.All the cooking shows which You may have seen were in english,!?
At one time,the time they were conquered by the normons,the englishmen(saxons)had actually,such bad food,and so stupidly prepared,that anything new was welcomed!Www@FoodAQ@Com

As a whole, traditional French cuisine is not in style right now in many countries, especially the "haute" cuisine you see on television shows and in books!.

Most people make the mistake of judging a cuisine by isolated dishes, ingredients, and flavors, but you really can't make a valid judgment about a cuisine as a whole in that way!. A cuisine only exists in context!. You have to judge it as a unified whole, which is something you cannot possibly do unless you are living in the country and able (and willing!) to immerse yourself in that cuisine with an open mind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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