What ehthnic cusine that u would love to try that u haven't had a chance to try yet?!

Question: What ehthnic cusine that u would love to try that u haven't had a chance to try yet!?
For me i would like to try food fron Thailand!. I heard the spicyness of their foods put many spicy foods to shame!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I can honestly say, I think I've tried practically everything, because I can't think of one!. I've had plenty of Asian, South American and European foods!. I'm a very adventurous eater, and there are some things I've tried that would probably shock some people (no, I am NOT a cannibal)!. There's probably something deep inside Africa that I haven't even heard of, but I've eaten cuisines from Egypt, Ethiopia, Morroco, Angola, Ghana, Congo, South Africa, and Nigeria!. That's the beauty of having lived in places like New York and Hong Kong, and visited places like San Fran, Toronto, Taipei, Tokyo and Paris!. Some of the best places in world for eating, and trying out all types of stuff! I like to eat!Www@FoodAQ@Com

thai food is great!. i would like to try a greek dishWww@FoodAQ@Com

I do not like Thai food!. It is too spicy for me!!! And I love Mexican food, so that should tell you something about the spiciness!

Honestly, I think I would like to try some authentic Japanese cuisine!. I haven't yet gotten the nerve, but will soon!. Just not no damn sushi!.!.!.yuck!.!.!.doesn't even sound good!.

EDIT: LILA: From someone that lives in the south : You have made a wise choice!. I am not going to say we have the best food, because so many types of food are delicious, but our soul food is very hard to beat! :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

me too! I would LOVE to try Thai!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Where the **** did you hear Indians eat dogs!?!? That's quite insulting considering that the majority of the country is purely vegetarian and that eating beef is illegal! WE DO NOT EAT DOGS!

To answer the question: would love to try food from some far flung country like Madagascar or Iceland or Greenland!.

Thai food is scrumptious, as is Indian food!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Indian, Japanese, middle eastern, and irish/uk food are some cusines I'd love to try!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Oh man, if you are interested in Thai, I highly recommend Pad Thai!. It's a quintessential Thai dish!. It's broad noodles with a spicy peanut sauce, crushed peanuts and usually has large shrimp on top!. It's prepared differently everywhere I've gone, and it can be really hot!. Watch out for those little Thai chili's!

As for me, I've tried all kinds of foods from different countries, but never really had Norwegian!. Their food looks simple, fresh and filling!. A lot of seafood, of course!. Some of their food is pickled to preserve it, like pickled herring!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

maybe some delicious authentic Indian food

and its "Ethnic Cuisine" ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would like to try American Southern food or Soul Food, we cant get it where I live but I have seen cooking shows and the fried chicken, corn on the cob, buttery biscuits, peach cobbler!.!.!.!.all looks very delicious and tasty!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

South American food!.!.!.never try it before!.!.!.

I am lucky that where I am located , I've tasted almost all type of cuisines!.!.!. Thailand is in our location too!.!.!.

yes ! Thai-food is really spicy!.!.!.!. cos they love fresh ingredient ! to try how spicy a restaurant is and how good the cook is !.!.!. you've got to try TOM YAM!.!.!. it is a simple food!.!. but it let's you understand the taste /standard of that restaurant or eating house!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

When trying Thai, go for sweet & sour beef!. I do mildest version myself, but it comes in spicy!. You'll like the sweet & sour better there than Chinese, though I'm berserk over Chinese!
I'd like to try some Native American stuff!. I would like to try it as I'm Apache and Cherokee, so it would be like trying food from a culture of mine!. I already tried a couple stuff that's Irish, and soul food!. Some soul food I'm not crazy about, but some I'll go berserk over!. But absolutely NO chitterlings!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hmmmm!.!.!. I would like to try food from some Eastern European countries like Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria (sorry if these are not the new modern names of these countries or regions)!. What did the gypsies eat!?

also, as an Indian I agree with Blue Orchid ---- we dont eat dogs!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would love to try Thai food!.!.!.!.I like all spicy food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Egyptian foood!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I love ethnic food and I have tried practically all kinds except for authentic African food!. So that is next on my to do list!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

they say the croissant's in France are unbelievable!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tibetan cuisine and middle eastern's!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Cuisine from any/all the Nordic countriesWww@FoodAQ@Com

lol!. i would try indian!. i heard they ate dogs! not that i would want to eat it, but i would try their curry! =DWww@FoodAQ@Com

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