Chinese food doesn't fill me up!?!

Question: Chinese food doesn't fill me up!!?
Anyone else have the same issue!? I can totally pig out and still not be full!.!.!.!. Can you tell me why!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some Chinese restaurants add mono sodium glutamate (MSG) to the food!. It is a type of salt and is used as a flavor enhancer!. The problem with MSG is that it also makes you feel fuller sooner!. You usually eat less because you feel full, then you are hungry sooner because of it!.

If you eat at a restaurant that does not use MSG you can still tend to get hungry soon after eating Chinese food!. This is because most things that you order only have simple carbs such as the white rice, all the noodles, dumplings, won tons, chicken balls etc!. Simple carbohydrates do not fill you up as well as complex carbohydrates do!. They take less time to digest and have less fiber!.

Another reason to not feel very full is because there is much less protein and meat!. Protein also helps you to feel full longer!. In things like stir-fry, there is usually very little meat because they add so much vegetables to the dish!. Meat is usually more of a flavor enhancer than the main course in many Chinese dishes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's a phycological effect!. You do not perceive it as a "meal" like I'd presume you do a hamburger, as it's missing one of the items that means "meal" to you!. It's possible to become accustomed to it though!. Similarly, if rice meant a "meal" to you, you'd find that more filling than a hamburger ^!.^

I do not have that problem, but I pretty much grew up on chinese food!. I do have that problem if I eat only veggies though, even if they are deep fried and everything, as that doesn't signify "meal" to me!. I can have half as much stuff if I have something else, and it means "meal" so I get full!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm chinese and I have to say that this is the first time I heard something like that!. Maybe it's because chinese food is so good people just can't have enough of it!. I know I can't!. (I eat even when I'm full(yup I'm a pig) =)

it can also be because if you eat fast, you don't really realize that you are full!. Or maybe because of all the contrasting flavors Chinese food has, that the appetite is always stirred up by all the flavors!.

If you want to get full, order some fried rice, congee or noodles with your dimsum!. because starch fills you up pretty fast!.:DWww@FoodAQ@Com

You should try Soylent Green, which is the preferred future foodstuff of many Chinese Administrator Chefs, this age!. While still in its infancy, it will surely come to the fore as obese Americans fill this need of the CHICOM peoples!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on what you order!.

Go try the Imperial Cuisine!. There are culinary tours offered in China!. One complete meal will last 7 days!.

Not buffet!. Not cheap food!. Think best of the best ingredients!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

chinese food does fill me up all the time!.
fried rice, noodle, orange chicken, broccoli, egg roll, egg flower soup, spicy fried fish!.!.!.
oh!.!.!. too much oil and calories!.!.!. lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

You must just have a big appetite!.
I find rice tends to be more filling, particularly if you are drinking any kind of beverage as you eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Really!? Did you eat the rice!? I usually get really full when I eat the rice with Chinese Food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No - It is the total opposite for me!. When I go for Chinese I get full really fast!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well, the ka bob sticks fill me up!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Let me guess, YOU are hungry an hour later!?!Www@FoodAQ@Com

maybe you have a fast metabolism!.!.!.!.

well, chinese food do fill me up!.!.!.!.
and i love 'em!!!


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