What do japanese NOT eat ?!

Question: What do japanese NOT eat !?
People, scientists and researchers claim that japanese people are the healthiest people on our planet!. In fact the average japanese lives 79 years long!. That makes Japan to the n1 healthiest country in the world!.
Seaweed, raw fish, tea and lots of vegetables make their lives healthy!.
But i was wondering!. Could it be something that they do not eat!. Like a specific vegetable, beef, cheese or anything that makes them actually live that long and achieve the healthyness,Www@FoodAQ@Com

Be aware of the differences between the traditional Japanese diet and what's available in modern day Japan!. Those living in the rural & mountainous regions still largely stick to the traditional foods: rice, seaweed, handmade tofu, noodles, green tea, fresh veggies, grains like buckwheat, natural produce which is the same "organic food" their ancestors ate centuries before this term became popular in the West!.

However, city folk also have access to tons of Western & fastfood items!. And many items are processed stuff eg!. tinned food & processed meats which have lots of chemicals & preservatives!. Contrary to most of Asia, the Japanese consume a lot of dairy products and are also fond of cuisines using dairy stuff like French & Italian food!. While it builds strong bones & better health (younger Japanese are more strapping compared to most other Asians), too much of it is fattening!. And the younger generation have also enthusiastically forsaken the diet of their elders for burgers, pizza & pasta!.

All this change doesn't only threaten the continual survival of their food culture but their famous longevity as well!. Although Japan has lots of centenarians, many who can still do manual labour in the fields at an advanced age, their grandchildren & great-grand kids are following the trend of many Western countries with higher rates of obesity & more serious medical problems like heart diseases & diabetes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The modern diet is full of bad junk/fast food!. Japanese pretty much eat anything but don't eat much dairy traditionally but it's alarming how much cheese has encroached into their diet!. You can see the bad junk food diet reflected in the faces of teenagers with bad acne!. There are some meats that are not common in Japan--they don't eat every animal, not animals usually considered pets unless we're talking extreme conditions such as post-WW2!. Basically I think the common meats in America are also common in Japan, they just eat a lot more seafood and sea vegetables!. They are also on average much more aware of what a healthy balanced diet is, with all the pluses of living in a 1st world country, which equate to a long life!. Most people do not have an oven so much less likely to eat unhealthy baked goods on a regular basis!. Japanese cakes are significantly less sweeter than Western counterparts!. Dessert is not something consumed on a regular basis!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Traditionally, the Japanese eat very little poultry and red meat; they get protein from things like fish and tofu!. This, of course, means much less cholesterol and saturated fat!.

They also tend to eat whole grains such as buckwheat noodles and steamed rice, rather than refined grain products such as bread, cake, and semolina noodles!.

The Japanese (and most Asians, for that matter) tend to eat more vegetables than Americans because they're cheaper and require less labor and land to produce than meat!.

As for what the Japanese don't eat, they don't drink a lot of red wine; they do drink rice wine, plum wine, and beer, however!. also, dairy isn't a traditional part of their diet!. Dairy is much less healthy than most people think, even when it's low-fat!. Milk and cheesey foods such as pizza are now very popular in urban Japan, however, as is fast food!.

also, instead of chugging down soda like most Americans do, many Japanese people prefer tea, especially oolong tea and green tea!. These are much, much healthier than soda, especially when they're unsweetened!. They do drink soda, but not nearly as much as Americans do!.

These are just generalizations, keep in mind; in urban areas most Japanese now have a very Western diet with lots of meat, cheese, coffee, and desserts!. Aside from diet, the Japanese tend to be healthier because they have better sports programs in their schools, they drive less, and eat much smaller portions than Westerners!. I hope this answers all your questions!Www@FoodAQ@Com

No refined baked goods, refined sugar, potatoes, cheese, ice cream, butter, milk products, and very little western fast foods!.

Their diet is high fiber, high in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, lean protein and healthy oils, low in fat, low in sodium, and low calorie!.

They also eat about a third of the portion size that Americans do!. That alone slashes their risk of health problems!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's not only their diet but their lifestyle!. Alot of walking is done daily in JPN whether to get to the bus stops, train stations, or to transfer from one train line to another!. The convenience of cars isn't there because of their lack of parking!. Japanese eat alot of different kinds of foods but they're quality foods and known for their quality preparation!.

Japanese sweets are more European and not as sweet as American sweets!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Junk food, fast food!.!.mostly they eat healthy foods!. Rice and protein, which mostly is all natural!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They eat the fecal sac of a lobster!. I think they eat everything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They eat anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They live longer with their nasty teeth, they need to lay off the tea!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

junkfood and unhygiene food
and bad eat habitWww@FoodAQ@Com

they mostly don't eat unhealthy,fast,junk food!!!!!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Fast FoodWww@FoodAQ@Com

they don't have much in the way of milk, cheese, yogurt
the only dairy they have is egg, which they have quite a lot of, but mainly in its most natural formed, just raw, poached, or hardboiledWww@FoodAQ@Com

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