Is indian food good for you?!

Question: Is indian food good for you!?
i'm going to a party for my friend who is indian and her mom is going to make a BUNCH of different indian foods, a lot of spicy stuff and rice and peppers

i was wondering if indian food is healthy/good for you!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes The Indian Food is healthy!.!.!.But you can ofcourse tell your friend's mom what you eat and what not as Indian food can be made according to your prefrence(I'm an Indian)!.If you don't like spicy she can add less of it and still it'll be good!.If you don't like curry/gravy then you can ask her to make dry !.Indian food has countless dishes so just let her know what particular vegetable you dislike she will not add that to it!.Rest it all depends how she cooks as food cooked by different cooks don't have the same taste!.!.!.If in doubt eat plenty of salad,yogurt and the Indian bread (roti,chapati),and less of the other stuff!.!.!.
ENJOY the partyWww@FoodAQ@Com

India has around an 80% vegetarian population so the food is generally very healthy - lots of beans, pulses, lentils and vegetables!. In fact its got THE BEST vegetarian food!.

Authentic Indian cooking makes you wonder why on earth anyone needs meat (I'm a meat eater too!)!.

However, restaurant Indian food outside of India can be heavy in oils and fat and contains more meat than usual!.

Don't be scared of the spices and heat of the food either, its a medical fact that chilli does not cause wind, ulcers or burny bottom or any of the other things ignoramuses say it does, in fact its extremely good for you!. Any tummy troubles have more to do with the 19 pints of lager consumed beforehand than the food!.

If anything seems too hot and takes you by surprise simply drink some milk or yoghurt - if its an authentic Indian meal it will probably have yoghurt as a side dish - mix this with your curry, or a drink called a 'lassi' which is a thinned yogurt drink - this will immediately relive the heat!.

Whatever you do - dont drink water - it reacts with the chilli and makes it even hotter!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Like most other cuisines, some dishes are healthier than others!. There are indian dishes that have cream based sauces and are therefore fattier than the ones that don't!. It also depends on how they are prepared!.!.!.a cook may not trim the fat off meat as well as another one might!. One cook may use more oil than another might!.

If they're buddists then there won't be any meat at all and personally I find Vegetarian Indian food to be wonderful!. But overall, most indian cuisine is plentiful in vegetables so there is that healthy aspect!.

But it's a party!.!.!.just go and have a good time!. Unless you're on a strict diet, one evening of not knowing exactly what you're eating at every moment won't hurt you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think the home made food is pretty healthy!. I dated an Indian girl for awhile and her mom's cooking was fantastic!. She used lots of vegetables and lentils, it was spicy but tasted great!. It wasnt greasy or heavy like some Indian restaurant foods!.

Like most cuisines, I think Indian food had its share of deep fried fatty foods or high cal desserts but if you eat those once in awhile then it's ok!.

My suggestion: go try it!. Home cooked Indian food is a treat and it will be a good experience!. It will be fun, Indian parties usually are a trip!Www@FoodAQ@Com

The Answer is Yes!. Indian foods are good for blood circulation and give body warming effect!. Like, in some recipe they use yogurt and it is good for digestion!. The spices use for cooking are also use in Ayurveda medicine!. Don't worry, some time you should try different food!. It is some kind of adventure!. But if you have gastric problem, avoid bean(Dal) curry and extra spicy dishes!.


yes, indian food is very healthy! my friend is indian too and she's very slim and healthy!. you can eat so much without get fat because your body must work more for burn it!. the food is varied and has many vitamin, she says!. and because it is also sharp, it kills many bacteria!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

see!.!. it all depends on who's cooking it!.!. i know indian folks who use 'ghee' indian clarified butter, loads of hot chilies (major heart burn!!) , and different spices in most of their cooking and i know some folks who use olive oil to barely coat the pan, substitute spices and use very mild pepper powder!.!.!. so it just depends on person to person!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Indian food is good it have many different spices it is tastfulWww@FoodAQ@Com

most of the indian food r good!. It depends on them how they cook the food!. most of indian use spices only for taste!.That's not bad for health unless it cooked in wrong wayWww@FoodAQ@Com

it will give you the runs and farts!
take some pepto bismol beforehand!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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