Why indian food is popular all over the world?!

Question: Why indian food is popular all over the world!?
Dals, currys, Biryani (usually an Irani dish), tandoori chicken, naan, paratha and chichken tikka are so popular all over the world!.
I am not Indian but still i love these dishes!
What do you think!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is most probably because of the flavours!. there are different trends in food just like there are in cloths!.
once chinese food was all the rage!. then another time it was italian!. i guess now people are turning to indian!.
yes it is very true that north indian dishes are influenced by the food from arabian foods!. thats because most of north india was in historical times occupied by invaders from the arab countries!. now as in all cultures they brought their food and traditions with them!. local cooks adapted them!.
the south because of its distance was occupied much later and it also had very strong nativity !.
if you further explore you will find that in places like goa and pondicherry you will find frence and portugese influences of cooking!.
the greatest feature of indian cooking is that everystate has its extremely different styles of cooking!. So what is internbationally accepted as indian is just north indian standard restaurant menu food!.
the real india is in the cuisines kerela, tamilnadu, andhra pradesh, punjab and west bengal!. then again its my opinion!. you should try finding the different cuisines and finding your favourite!.
ps - try this tantalising cuisine called indo- chinese!. you may be in for a big surpriseWww@FoodAQ@Com

Dave C: Just because something is not popular in the US it does not mean that the rest of the world has not had an attraction to Indian food!. Much of the culinary experience of Asia has at least been touched by it, it is big in the M East and Europe as well as Africa, Canada and much of the Pacific and South/Central America!.!.!.!.I think that qualifies as "all over the world" because it accounts for 95% of the world's population, and there are Americans who like it too!. Mind you, kudos for liking it too, just trying to put it in perspective!. An Indian restaurant in Britain would almost certainly thrive even without Indian clients!

Now my answer: because it is bloody brilliant in it's variety, choice of ingredients, and many recipes are healthy too!.

Spark: yeah, you hit all the right points: probably the most cross- and multi-cultural ethnic food around!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The mix of spices is addictive!. I cook a lot and no other cuisine uses so many different spices in one dish!. I've heard that most people crave variety in terms of taste!. If that is the case, Indian food has excites the tastebuds the most because it has the greatest variety of taste largely due to the spices but also because of all the excellent fresh ingredients!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am punjabi and Hindustani I have to eat Dal or Curry or Biryani and Parantha everyday!. I am not fond of it!. Though maybe it is popular because like chinese food or italian it is heritge and people like be part of other people's heritige if they like the taste of the food!. also in Indian Cuisine there is a lot more than what you put for the food so try some!. You should try punjabi food and samosa and indian sweets and snacksWww@FoodAQ@Com

Besides being delicious, a home cooked Indian meal is healthy, nutritious and well balanced!. It also offers alot of vegetarian variety & options!. As more & more people around the world are choosing to be vegetarian or vegan, Indian food offers the largest variety of dishes that are both tasty & satisfying!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like Indian food because I am from India!. Duh!

Besides the variety that you get, the infusion of spices etc, I think one additional reason Indian food is popular is because there is a large Indian population that has migrated to these countries and someone somewhere sets up a restaurant!. I think that also contributes to the popularity!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm not Indian either but I love these dishes but we shouldn't just credit India with these dishes, there are dishes that originated in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka!.

I love lentil dhal and lamb biryani!. Everybody loves a good curry, you'd have to be mentally disturbed if you don't!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Spicy spicy spicy and you get addicted to the flavors of various spices!

It tastes good and people like it for that only reason!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Good food is good food!. I love love love Indian food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Because of the intense and exciting flavorWww@FoodAQ@Com

because it is delicious!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

no other cuisine has such a complex blend of flavors and spices!.!.!.its fresh, its hot and tasty!Www@FoodAQ@Com

because they are hot and sexy and has a good tasteWww@FoodAQ@Com

Indian food popular all over the world!?

Popular!.!.!. Really!? Indian is not that popular in the USA!. Don't get me wrong!. There are successful Indian restaurants especially in bigger cities, but given a list of cuisines, most people would pick other cuisines over Indian!.!.!. Indian cuisine is just not even on the map for many US diners!.

I'd say the popularity is due to Indians moving into those communities!. People try out the food and like the flavors and spices!. However, without the local Indian population, those restaurants won't survive based upon non-Indian clients!.

I've seen many Indian restaurants close or change ownerships due to the lack of customers!.!.!. which is sad since most people would rather eat bland fast food junk than flavorful Indian cuisine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Great collection of recipes here!.




Firstly!.!. All Indian dishes originate from India itself, formerly known as Hindustan!. Pakistan (including the part, now Bangladesh) was formed due to partition in 1947, HENCE every Indian dish in the cuisine originates from Hindustan (India), but now each ones fame might be distributed all over Indian regions, according to the culture of food!. Secondly, I have been to US of A & well I would not say Indian cuisine is AS far-famed there as it is in U!.K!. I'm in UK right now & I have NOT seen any Britisher or resident of any other country in U!.K!. not LOVING Indian cuisine!. Here every street has an Indian restaurant!. Most of the times with a mix of dishes most eaten in Pakistan or Bangladesh!. But believe you me!.!. I was as shocked as amazed when I saw that in U!.K!. Indian cuisine is part of day-to-day meal consumption! I have seen not the same, but similar in Portugal, Africa, parts of South America!.!.!. and Most of all!.!. in CANADA (just as UK)!! And yes the reason can be because Indian people migrate, but well the cuisine wouldn't be thriving in places if it was not in demand, Indian people migrating or not!! The reason it is so well loved is not only because of the condiments and spices used in it, but also the combination of spices!. Like: Cumin should always be allowed to brown in hot oil, before adding in ginger or garlic to get golden!. You won't get the same taste of the same dish, if you would put all of them together or latter one before the former!!! :) So the concoction matters alot in Indian cuisine! Another thing is of course cuz of it's variety!. And how the little adding or excluding of few spices can adjust the raciness of the whole dish, according to the taste buds of the consumer!. And am sure & can BET a 1000 bucks that in your tis one lifetime, you can NOT taste ALL the dishes (of maincourse and sweets)!! :) I do not mean either Punjabi or U!.P!. or Bengali or Mughlai, I mean!.!.!. ALL the sub-cuisines on INDIAN map :)

But you really need to need to need to, try and taste AS many Indian dishes as you can from different authentic Indian restaurants, because you deserve those delicious delicacies !!

yummmm!.!.slllluuurrrppp!.!.!. !! okay m goin to cook smthn to eat now (of course Indian food, I am Indian & I have till not got bored of it, cuz theres SO much more fr me to make and experiment with :P and am sure I wud nevr get bored, in this life time of my cuisine :) )Www@FoodAQ@Com

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